Harri Syrjänen lost more than 10 kilos in the house construction project.
Harri Syrjänen, 54, known as a celebrity chef, says that he experienced many obstacles during the construction of the house last year. He also unintentionally lost more than ten kilos.
The house built by a fringe member is considered a kind of event venue, which he uses, for example, for company breakfasts, saunas, swimming or cooking school.
Syrjänen tells Iltalehte Traitors– program’s press conference, that many problems related to the contractors appeared as the construction of the house progressed. When problems arose, the chef had to take up the hammer himself in order to finish the house.
– There were bad incidents. The vast majority of the workers experienced all kinds of personal obstacles and illnesses. However, I do not mean any accidents at work.
– At the end of the day, I had no choice but to either stop the renovation or look for new men again. Then I thought that YouTube was invented for that, where you can watch “Do it yourself” videos. Then I started tapping myself.

Harri Syrjänen lost more than ten kilos during the construction project. Jenni Host
During the construction project, Syrjänen lost more than ten kilos. He told about it in an Instagram post in August 2023.
– Although this has not been a weight loss course, I have to mention that when the raksas started, the weight was 84 kg and now it is 71.5 kg. Too much is too much and now we have to get back to the gym and to the dams, he writes.
If you don’t see the embed, you can watch the post here.
Syrjänen tells Iltalehti that losing weight was a harmful side effect along with the construction project.
– I wanted to finish the house, so I worked 14 hours a day straight for two months. I ate breakfast, I worked all day and in the evening I noticed that I hadn’t remembered to eat after morning, Syrjänen admits.
– Heavy work is also physically very hard. There are a lot of steps, heart rate increases, heavy things are carried. It (losing weight) was kind of a side event.
The house he built is used as a venue. Pete Anikari
According to the chef, the weight loss happened unexpectedly, because he did not notice it during construction. He admits that the weight loss happened in a very unhealthy way.
– I didn’t really pay any attention to it until after two months I looked at myself in the mirror after showering. I was like what the hell. I got on the scale and noticed that 12.5 kilos had gone.
– It was such an unhealthy weight loss, says Syrjänen.
Syrjänen says that he gained the kilos back quickly and currently says that he is at roughly the same readings as at the beginning of the construction project.
Harri Syrjänen is known, among other things, for Nelonen Blind cook and Cook war – programs. This fall, he is aiming for something new Traitorsprogram.
Harri Syrjänen will star in the new Petolites program this fall. Pete Anikari
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