Singer and actor Hardy Sandhu revealed that he had to face sexual assault from a middle-aged woman. Two years ago, when he came to sing at a wedding party, he had such an unfortunate experience. Hardy Sandhu said that everyone should understand that not only women but also men face sexual violence. Hardy’s disclosure was made through a video shared on social media.
‘The incident happened about two years ago. I was singing on stage during a wedding party. I noticed a woman dancing along to the song in front of the stage. They should be 45 years old. They asked me to come on stage and dance with them. But I refused. Because I felt that if one was given such an opportunity, many would come again with the same demand. But they were not ready to accept it. When pressed again, I reluctantly agreed.
We danced together from start to finish of a song. When I asked, “Aren’t you happy?”, they asked me to give them a hug. I agreed. They licked my tongue and ears while hugging. I found that unnecessary touch unpleasant. What if a woman had to face the same approach from a man? I don’t need to tell you what happens next? Hardy Sandhu said, “These kinds of sexual assaults are being done here not only against women but also against men.”
English Summary:
Harrdy Sandhu says he faced sexual harassment from a lady
2023-11-01 09:41:56
#woman #hugged #licked #ear #Men #face #sexual #assault