Home » today » Entertainment » Harmjan gets verbal spanking from Astrid in B&B Vol Liefde

Harmjan gets verbal spanking from Astrid in B&B Vol Liefde

“This morning I feel tense. I slept worthless, because things have happened that are unfair. If there is one thing I can’t stand it’s dishonesty,” says Astrid. Harmjan confessed to her that he told Ruud that they would have kissed. Astrid is not happy about that. “Because that’s not what happened.”

The well-known border of Astrid has once again been crossed. “This is not a game. This has to do with feeling. That is never a game. A line has clearly been crossed for me by making something more beautiful and bigger. Stop it anyway.”

Harmjan looks back remorsefully at his cocky behaviour. “That’s super stupid of me. I’ve exaggerated it. Was that to scare Ruud off? I have no idea. It flew out.” Astrid and Harmjan drew closer to each other, but he has now ruined that himself. Astrid doesn’t like that tough man talk. “I don’t know if he can repair that damage. That door is just closed again, the crack is smaller again,” she says.

Astrid takes Harmjan aside to talk to him about this. “I think we have a different perception of the same situation. Last week we had a good conversation. After that conversation you gave me a hug. And you gave me a kiss. For me that was it. But now it happens that we have been kissing, which was not the case,” she starts the conversation.

“It was also not the intention to explain it to others in that way. I went too far in that,” Harmjan says guiltily to his crush. “You go too fast sometimes”, Astrid informs him. “You’re just going too fast.”

Harmjan can do nothing but apologize. “Sorry.” Astrid decides to put it behind him and puts him out of his misery: “It’s okay.”

With Ruud things go a lot smoother. She can laugh a lot at him and he provides her with counter-gas where necessary. He thinks she is a strong and beautiful woman and knows how to treat her.

You can see whether the love between Astrid and Ruud or Harmjan is blooming again on weekdays at 8.30 p.m. on RTL 4. You can also look back and ahead of the reality program on Videoland.

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