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Harmful soft drinks .. affect the heart and increase the risk of cancer

If smoking is harmful to our health in many ways, then: Soft drinks It has almost the same damage, as it is one of the reasons for the increase in diabetes and cardiovascular disease cases around the world. Soft drinks only provide empty calories that harm the health of the body.

According to a site report, ” onlymyhealth“Each 600 ml of Coca-Cola contains 16 teaspoons of sugar, and every 600 ml of sports drinks includes 11 spoons of sugar, and 500 ml of iced tea contains 7 teaspoons of sugar, and from here you can imagine the amount of your weight gain when consuming These drinks, especially the sugars used in sweetening those drinks, desserts as well, cakes, biscuits and other high-fructose corn syrup, which has no health benefit.

The following are the health effects of soft drinks:

1- Disturbances in metabolism

Soft drinks are one of the main factors contributing to fatty and diabetic liver and the imbalance of the thyroid gland, where these sugars are stored in the liver in the form of glycogen and fats, which results in weight gain.

2- Increasing cholesterol and affecting heart health

Consuming excess sugar can also harm the heart’s health because it resists insulin in the body and impedes its efficient use, and then the liver in turn converts unused insulin into cholesterol, so that its level rises in the blood.

3- Risks of developing cancer

The preservatives, colors and flavors used in soft drinks stored in plastic bottles cannot be unhealthy for you. Calories The unwanted accumulates in the body, resulting in weight gain or obesity, which is a major factor in the incidence of some types of cancer, such as the breast, pancreas, digestive system, lung and colon.

4- Obesity

Research indicates that increasing the intake of soft drinks stimulates the hunger hormone, which leads us to eat more foods that are concentrated in the form of fats, which results in the infection of some people Obesity Which is an effective agent for many diseases.

5- Infection with gout

The soda contained in soft drinks increases uric acid, which causes gout, most common among men, and arthritis.

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