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Hardly sick because of corona, but still broken over a year later


Anyone who becomes infected with Covid-19 runs the risk of having to live with a variety of complaints for months: the so-called lung covid, about which much is still unknown. That also happened to 27-year-old psychologist Malou from Amsterdam. Her infection most resembled a severe flu. She was equally ill from it last October, but did not have to go to hospital. After two weeks, the virus was over. Since then, she can barely work, has to shower while sitting and can’t walk more than 200 meters without falling over, according to a report from AT5.

GGD doctor Ashis Brahma explains that it is difficult to give a clear definition of lung covid, because the range of complaints is so wide: from extreme fatigue and shortness of breath, to forgetfulness and concentration problems. Long covid is when complaints are still present 12 weeks after the virus.

The RIVM has been doing this since May this year research to lung covid in people older than 5 years who have had corona. Although the risk of long-term complaints is greater with a more serious illness during the infection, an estimated 20 percent of people in the Netherlands who have only had mild problems from corona have lung covid. Halfway through this year it turned out Norwegian research that even 50 percent of young people between the ages of 16 and 30 struggled with long-term complaints after an infection.

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