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Hardly anyone washes this summer fruit and yet not doing so is dangerous

Usually you don’t forget to wash the fruit. Cherries, peaches and apricots all pass under running water before ending up on the plate.

But what about melons? Most people slice and taste them straight away. But this is a mistake! Here because.

Hardly anyone washes this summer fruit and yet not doing so is dangerous

It is common knowledge that fruit and vegetables should be washed before consumption. Not only soil or dirt residues are eliminated, but also traces of pesticides.

Most people, however, just wash the fruit with its edible peel. Thus, some foods are neglected. This is the case of the most loved summer fruit: watermelon.

After all, why wash the watermelon peel? Since you don’t eat it, it seems like a waste of time. Yet this is not the case: skipping this step can cause damage to health.

In fact, harmful bacteria, such as E. coli, sometimes lurk on the peel. When cutting the fruit, the bacteria contaminate the knife and therefore the pulp. In short, hardly anyone washes this summer fruit and yet not doing it is dangerous.

How to properly wash watermelon

Watermelon is a healthy fruit. Contains a lot of water and few calories. It is therefore thirst-quenching and also suitable for those on a diet. It also provides vitamins (A, C and B vitamins) and mineral salts.

Yet this fruit can also be dangerous. Food poisoning caused by watermelons has already happened in the past.

That’s why the experts they always recommend washing watermelon under running water. It is best to gently scrub the peel with a brush. Then, dry the fruit with a clean cloth. Only then is it ready to be enjoyed.

It is also important not to forget to wash the cutting board thoroughly. Or any surface you lean on to make watermelon. It’s a little trick that protects your health!


This delicious summer fruit is among the least contaminated by pesticides

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted who”)

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