Housing and Urban Affairs and Petroleum and Natural Gas Minister Hardeep Singh Puri said that ‘Ek Taarikh Ek Ghanta Ek Saath’ is specifically about dedicated people completely dedicated to cleanliness activities – Shramdaan for cleanliness. It is not about pledges, plog runs, rangoli competitions, wall painting, street plays. Shramdaan is only for cleanliness campaign across the country. Let us tell you that in the 105th episode of Mann Ki Baat, Prime Minister Modi has appealed to all the citizens collectively to donate 1 hour of shramdaan for cleanliness as ‘Swachhanjali’ to Bapu on the eve of his birth anniversary on October 1 at 10 am. . This massive cleanliness campaign calls upon citizens from all walks of life to engage in actual cleaning activities at public places like markets, railway tracks, water bodies, tourist destinations, places of worship, etc., resulting in visible cleanliness.