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Hard fight with kicks in the Bar Association for the Irene Benito case

Friday, December 24, 2021 06:35

LAW SCHOOL. The headquarters of the entity was the scene of an embarrassing fight.

The rejection of a request made by the lawyer Alfredo Falú, who said he felt the target of a campaign against him due to the complaints that targeted journalist and lawyer Irene Benito, led to an embarrassing fight.

It happened on Wednesday, after the reading of the resolution that rejected the request of the lawyer, author of a criminal complaint against the investigator of the newspaper La Gaceta, a decision that was highlighted by the vice president of the entity, Carlos César Casal.

The manager said that while he was speaking, he was accused of a “condom” of Attilio billone Y Francisco Garcia Possession, former holders of the College, so after requesting order, he decided to retire, at which time he was accused by Pablo Caram.

Casal acknowledges that, by way of response, he enlisted having favored his children with jobs in the collegiate entity, after which the member threw blows and kicks at him, all of which, he affirms, was recorded by the cameras of the building .

When he learned of his rival’s complaint, Caram went to court where, in addition to denying what Casal said, he accused him of death threats, quoting verbatim phrases loaded with profanity inappropriate for lawyers.

“He was summoning me to fight in a courtyard and he yelled at me fagot, you’re a shit, I’m not just going to sink you, I’m going to pingo killing you,” said the member of the Bar Association, attributing to Casal the same aggressions that he denounced.

When he was consulted about what happened, the president of the body dismissed the responsibility in his vice, to whom he said that “he has been obstinate in maliciously damaging this administration and the institution.”

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