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Harassment: Journalists accuse, this sports channel has ringing ears

A few weeks ago, Clémentine Sarlat revealed the harassment of which she had been the victim in the sports department of France TV. This time, a sports channel was targeted by two journalists.

The ears are currently hissing on the side of a sports channel where obviously very dirty habits had been taken by men. A few weeks ago Clémentine Sarlat had revealed the inglorious behind the scenes of a small part of the sports service of France Television, where she had suffered permanent harassment, which triggered the opening of an investigation. For 48 hours, attention has turned to a 100% sports channel. Indeed, several female journalists who have passed through this media complain about what they have suffered without the hierarchy coming to support them. Tiffany Henne, now on RMC where she says she has no worries, started the story by explaining on Twitter how her editor mistreated her. ” Sometimes he came to land next to me: “Oh come on for sure you want to hit X (another colleague of the editorial staff), she too likes girls it shows” or “But when are you going to admit that you like girls? (…) The worst (maybe) is when he locked me in a room with a colleague so that I admit that I loved girls and I had to do it while he was filming me with his phone … It gave this: Him: “Tiffany come see I have to talk to you with X” I was working, I’m in the redac conference room and he said to me “Okay now you don’t go out until you admit in this video that you like chicks”. I told her to stop, that I hadn’t finished filling up the news and that it was going to do a black antenna … Answer: “I don’t care, I’m the boss, there will be a black antenna, it’s okay.” I don’t know how long it lasted but super embarrassed I finished by saying “Yes I like girls I have lots of friends. “He said to me:” Perfect, I have what I need, I will cut the end. ” “Explains Tiffany Henne, who does not reveal the channel concerned, nor the name of the editors, in order to avoid a manhunt via social networks, but which was quickly supported by another former journalist of the The Team chain.

Andréa Decaudin, who can now be found on Télématin, also admits to having experienced the same problem. ” I pointed out that sexist or humiliating remarks were systematically made in the editorial staff (…) I pointed out that sometimes, during ad cuts off the air, my co-presenter explained to me that what I was telling basically it was shit (…) One day at a writing conference, I suggested to my co-presenter that it would be interesting to receive So-and-so on our set. The latter replied: “Why do you want to put it forward, are you having sex with him or something? (…) There was an investigation. Some received warnings, prevention messages were posted, but I was tired and left “Explains the journalist, who managed to bounce on public service. Finally, it was Cindy Colmenares, a columnist on RTL, who had been a consultant for … the Chain of the Team, who went there with her testimony by attacking this time another consultant, who would have been several both very unpleasant and very vindictive against him.

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