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Happy who, like Ulysses, descends the “Mississippi Solo” of Eddy L. Harris

Mississippi Solo — Liana levi

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  • Today, “Mississippi Solo” by Eddy L. Harris was released on September 3, 2020 by Liana Levi Publishing.

Cassiopée, contributor to the reading group 20 Minutes Books, recommend you Mississippi Solo by Eddy L. Harris, published September 3, 2020 at Liana Levi Publishing.

Her favorite quote:

“This trip on the river would be different. It would anchor itself so deeply in me that it would join my soul, but with a life of its own that would bring it back on its own, so intimately linked to me that it would penetrate my marrow and change my way of thinking , to feel and to walk, leaving me with more than memories and smiles, because it would have changed me profoundly, indelibly. “

Why this book?

  • Because the story is rich, captivating, rocked by moods of the river and the navigator. There are not really chapters but subtitles which announce what will be presented during a few pages. Eddy L. Harris talks about encounters, difficulties, joys, fears…. He tells about his learning of the river, how they understood each other to finally tame, know each other and that everyone finds their place. Because yes, the Mississippi has become his traveling companion, creating bonds with him, certainly as strong as those one forges with a friend.
  • Because we feel over the pages that nothing matters anymore than the pleasure of being alive, moving forward, feeling good in nature, rediscovering the taste for effort. Moments of discouragement, fear (for example during impromptu visits or bad weather), suffering, stiff backs and aching legs, fade before the happiness of a simple sharing around a cup of coffee or in front of a plate of catfish. The more Eddy paddles, the more autonomy he gains in practice. He is more confident, grows and walks with his head held high.
  • Because this text is the occasion for a beautiful reflection on several subjects. Friends and family, their very diverse reactions: helping Eddy, encouraging him or treating him like a hothead…. Xenophobia, in fact Eddy points out the difficulties of his expedition: “To go from where there are no blacks to where we are still not liked very much. And then, above all, the transformation of the man he is. There was “a before” and “an after” for the author and this resonates with the reader. Eddy L. Harris was able to transmit his audacity to me, his will never to give up on our dreams.

The essentials in 2 minutes

L’intrigue. At the age of 30, the author (born in 1956) decided to go down the Mississippi by canoe.

Characters. Eddy, the author and those he meets during his journey. The Mississippi River, almost a character in its own right.

Places. The river, its banks, the towns crossed, the canoe.

The time. 1986.

The author. Eddy L. Harris was born in Indianapolis. Prompted by his father, he studied at a white Catholic college, the first step towards Stanford University. At 30, he decided to go down the Mississippi by canoe and made the story of this experience the subject of his first book, Mississippi Only.

This book was read with. I liked this reading, rocked by the waves. I would have liked it to be accompanied by a photo album but I could already visualize each scene very well. The emotions were strong, for the author on the river, but they are also strong for those who soak up this complete account,

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