Home » today » News » Happy St. Valentina! Start celebrating love! – 2024-02-10 05:02:53

Happy St. Valentina! Start celebrating love! – 2024-02-10 05:02:53

Saint Valentine

According to the Orthodox calendar, Valentines have a name day on February 10. Then St. Martyr Valentina and St. Haralampi are honored.

February 10 is not celebrated as massively and sumptuously as St. Valentine – February 14, but the initiated know that St. Haralampi is chosen as the patron saint of beekeepers.
Therefore, this day is a particularly important day for them. Then honey is brought to the church for consecration, so that there will be health and honey throughout the year. This honey is believed to have healing powers, so it is kept for special occasions throughout the year.

If someone gets sick, they give him some of it, so that he recovers and recovers faster.
Along with the honey, bread is also baked. It is also carried to a church for consecration. After which the consecrated bread is distributed for health and well-being.

Unfortunately for all lovers, the Orthodox Saint Valentine does not have a special blessing for them. Very few people know about this holiday and honor it, even though it is in the Orthodox calendar.

While the Catholic St. Valentine, the Bulgarian people and culture accepted him with open arms and in just a few years they already have him as their own.

Since the beginning of February, shops are filled with all kinds of stuffed hearts, bears and valentines, places in restaurants are reserved for the cherished date. Everyone is preparing for the holiday from afar and everyone is happy.

Even St. Tryphon Zarezan has nothing against pouring love along with the wine.

Today, almost every teenage girl knows who St. Valentine is, what his life is like and why this holiday is celebrated so massively. Every girl hopes to receive a love gift from her lover. Every woman dreams of being honored, respected and loved.

The message of love of the Catholic St. Valentine is so strong and magnetic that it cannot be absorbed and transferred even 4 days earlier and celebrated according to the Orthodox calendar.

But it is good, especially for honey lovers, to know that February 10 is the honey day of the year. And everyone says that love is as sweet as honey. Unfortunately, most of the Bulgarian holidays are only related to going to church and kneading pies, there are few of them where carnivals, singing, races and whistles are held, in which everyone can participate and feel the magic of this day.

But the more holidays, the more joy. And the Valentines enjoy the privilege of having two name days in one week.

#Happy #Valentina #Start #celebrating #love

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