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Happy news … The first dose of a test vaccine against Corona was released

In a joyful news to the world, a US official announced that it will be revealed today, Monday, the launch of the first dose of a pilot vaccine against the emerging corona virus (Covid_19).

The official, told the Associated Press, that the first participant in the clinical trial will receive the experimental vaccine today, Monday, because the trial has not yet been announced.

He also pointed out that the National Institutes of Health are financing the experiment being conducted at a research facility in Washington state, according to Al Arabiya Net.

It is noteworthy that, according to public health officials, the full validation of any possible vaccine will take one to 18 months.

The new Corona virus has killed at least 5796 people in the world since its outbreak last December, and 154,620 cases have been recorded in 139 countries and regions since the epidemic began.

Also read:

Italy announces a drug ready to eliminate Corona


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