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Happy Easter! | eDruva


What would Easter be without beliefs?


• You should swing at Easter so that you don’t get eaten by mosquitoes and other insects in the summer.
• At Easter, you need to swing a lot, so don’t worry about the “bear’s sleep” for the rest of the year.
• He who has liked the swing once, must also like it at other Easters, because otherwise the cattle do not fare well.
• When rocking at Easter, the cradle should be allowed to stand slowly, so that it, slowly and swaying, blooms the flax bush.
• Swinging belongs to acts of movement fertility similar to dancing, jumping, running, circling.
• Those who wanted to ensure their luck had to throw three eggs over the swing tree on the morning of the Great Day so that they did not hit.


• He who eats eggs without salt will lie a lot all summer.
• At Easter, children need to eat a lot of eggs to grow round like eggs.
• Do not blow fire while boiling eggs on Easter, because then the eggs will break.
• When eating the first Easter egg, you must not scratch it, because then there will be as many diseases as there are scratches on the egg.
• Whoever steals eggs on Easter remains as naked as the egg.
• Only eggs should be eaten on Easter, because those who eat meat are tormented by insects all year round.
• On Easter Saturday, all housewives had to boil eggs, then next year they could meet their family and neighbors well.
• The more eggs the owner had at Easter, the more livestock multiplied and gave milk the following year.
• Eggs should be painted on Easter, then the chickens will lay beautiful eggs.
• The stronger the egg, the longer it lives.
• If you twist two eggs in a bowl with your finger and they collide, then you will get married next year.

Weather predictions

• Rain on the first Easter indicates that every Sunday until the summer holidays will be rainy.
• When Easter passes, warm weather begins.
• Do not light a fire in the room on Easter morning, so that thunder does not strike.
• As much dew before Easter, as much frost after Easter.
• When frogs cross the highway at Easter, a rainy summer is expected.
• If the sun rises brightly on Easter morning, it will be a hot summer.
• If thunder roars before Easter, then it will be a harsh summer.
• If it rains on Easter, it will rain every Sunday until Pentecost.


• On Easter night, you should run around the house with a rowan bell so that the witches do not enter the house.
• To have rosy cheeks, eat at least 13 cranberries on Easter morning before sunrise.
• Healing and protective is the water, which, without uttering a word, is drawn from the river in the direction of its flow until sunrise. It is used to sprinkle livestock and houses.
• If you go to bathe in the river before sunrise on the first morning of Easter, then you will be healthy all year.
• On Easter morning, when the sun rises, you should wash your mouth, because then you will be beautiful.
• If you don’t want to have big feet, then you need to climb on a rock with bare feet on Easter morning.
• On Easter morning, before sunrise, salt should be placed on the end of the pole and left until sunset, – useful for all diseases.


• Whoever is the first to go outside on the First Easter will be lucky that year.
• Eat peas on Easter to get wealth.
• On Easter morning, without the Sun, the stove should be lit, then the work will be done ahead of everyone.
• If on the morning of Good Friday, the debris of the room is dumped on the land of the other owner, then there will be neither fleas nor flies in the house that year.
• On Easter morning, without others seeing, you should collect wood shavings and wood debris and store them at home – later they will bring money.
• On the eve of Easter, the door was blocked with rowan branches so that evil spirits could not enter.
• If Easter eggshells are accidentally stepped on, people in that house will live in unrest.
• If the father of the family cuts the egg into as many parts as there are people on Easter, then the family lives harmoniously.
• On Easter, you should go to pick the shavings, then when you find the big ones that are lost.
• Do not grind the mill during Easter week, nor do any noisy work in general, so that storms and thunderstorms do not cause damage.

Source “Holiday Time” www. svetkulaiks.lv

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