Home » today » Entertainment » Hans Klok without shows in Las Vegas: ‘Give myself until December’ | NOW

Hans Klok without shows in Las Vegas: ‘Give myself until December’ | NOW

Hans Klok signed a ten-year contract in 2019 to give six shows a week in Las Vegas, but due to the outbreak of COVID-19, those performances cannot take place. To the AD he says on Wednesday that he sees the situation gloomy.

Klok, who lives with his friend Dann near the famous Strip, wants to give himself until December. “Then I decide about my future. Stay or leave, but the way things look now, I don’t see things getting under way here. You are getting back on track in Europe, America is far behind.”

Due to the sharp decline in tourism, hotels and casinos in Las Vegas are making big losses. “In one casino the measures are strict,” says Klok. “You see masks, screens. In the other the guests are crisscrossing each other. Add a cigarette. It’s a mess.”

In the meantime, Klok has jobs for RTL 4 and is working on a children’s book. “I’m still an entrepreneur, aren’t I”, says the illusionist. “Sure, I want to succeed here, but the money is running out. Marcel Boekhoorn (Klok’s moneylender, ed.) Happily continues to support me, but if the circumstances remain that way, I have to come up with something else.”

A tour in Germany is planned for October 2021, but Klok says it may be brought forward. “Performing is my passion and my life. And if I succeed, I can always go back to Las Vegas. That remains show city number one, but now it’s dead. And I don’t see it changing anytime soon.”

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