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Hanover, Aachen, Osnabrück: Corona outbreaks in clubs are increasing – thousands in quarantine – politics

Due to the low number of infections, many German federal states have relaxed their corona rules, and clubs have also been allowed to open their interiors for some time. At the same time, there are increasing reports of corona outbreaks in discos. In Lower Saxony, where indoor dancing has been allowed again since the beginning of June, the number of infections is increasing, especially among young people.

In the Hanover region, 3,000 people are currently in quarantine at home because they were in discos, clubs or bars with an infected person. Report that the NDR and other local media. In one case, an infected person infected 25 other people at a party.

The health department is in a difficult position, said a spokesman for the NDR. For example, if two infected people celebrated in a discotheque with 500 other people, then all 500 people would have to be contacted. In such cases, the corona virus could also spread quickly among the population. In one case, the health department found so many secondary infections that the infected people had nothing to do with the people from the club.

A man infected with Corona also celebrated in a discotheque in Osnabrück. Now more than 400 visitors could be quarantined. That depends on which virus variant the disco visitor had, said a city spokeswoman for the dpa on Friday. In the delta variant, the vaccinated and convalescent are excluded from quarantine, in the more contagious gamma variant they also have to be in quarantine. The evaluation should be completed on Monday.

According to the information, a total of around 405 people from the Osnabrück region had contact with the visitor from the Vechta district. In the meantime, an infection has been detected in him and he is now also showing symptoms of the disease, it said.

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In the night from Saturday to Sunday, 1,370 people registered in the discotheque via app. The quarantine of those affected will last until August 1. During this period they should be tested twice. The city does not know how many other people affected come from other counties and regions, the spokeswoman said.

Many young people in Lower Saxony were infected

The corona virus is spreading in Lower Saxony, especially among young people. A report from Ed According to every second person with corona is between 15 and 29 years old. The vaccination rate is particularly low in this age group.

Lower Saxony is now considering adapting the corona rules. You have to react to the increasing number of infections in some regions with a “worrying pace”, said the deputy government spokeswoman Kathrin Riggert on Friday in Hanover. The aim is to avoid that with rising incidence values, areas are soon affected by restrictions “that have nothing to do with the development of the infection process”, while others are driving the pandemic.

As an example, she cited dance events at which there had been repeated outbreaks in the past. Specifically, discos, clubs, bars and shisha establishments should have to close again if the incidence is over 10. So far the limit was 35.

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The clubs in North Rhine-Westphalia have also been able to reopen since July 9th. There were also outbreaks here. In Aaachen, 900 club visitors had to be quarantined after there were infected people in a club on two evenings, reports the WDR.

Likewise in Baden-Württemberg. There, clubs are allowed to open at up to 30 percent of the approved capacity if the seven-day incidence is below 10.

34 Delta infected people after a club night in Karlsruhe

At the beginning of July there was an outbreak in a club in Karlsruhe: 200 people celebrated there on the night of July 2, including an infected Mallorca vacationer. The coronavirus was later detected in 34 people, and all infections were the delta variant. Six of the people affected were infected despite having been vaccinated twice.

As the SWR reported, 25 of the infected are said to have been infected directly in the club, all others are said to be further contacts. According to the district office, tracking the party guests turned out to be very difficult because the data was recorded on paper. Every second slip of paper could not be used without further ado because information was incorrect or incomplete, said health department manager Peter Friebel.

A neighboring European country also had bad experiences with club openings. In the Netherlands, the clubs had to close again on July 10, just two weeks after they reopened, due to increasing numbers of infections.

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