Hanna Pakarinen and Risto Niinikoski have been together for a long time. The couple talks about their relationship in an interview with the latest Eeva magazine.

Hanna Pakarinen participates in the “Only life” season starting in the fall. PASI LEISMA
Singer Hanna Pakarinen, 43, and drummer Risto Niinikoski, 44, talk about their relationship in the new Eeva.
Hanna will participate in the one that starts in the fall Just life program, and Risto is one of the program’s regular players and the drummer in Hanna’s band.
The musicians reveal to Eeva what they did during the filming of the program when they were able to be alone.
– Filming days were 16 hours long, and we mostly did our own work. But when we got to be together a few times, we were completely apart when the child wasn’t there, Hanna said.
When there were two of them, they ate together or ran away for ice cream.
According to the couple, simple things are enough, because they enjoy each other’s company so much.
The couple met in 2004, when Risto joined Hanna’s band Idols-after the win. According to Eeva, they quickly noticed that they got along well with the other.
Hanna decided to find out in 2008 if they are together or not. He invited Risto to dinner. Hanna’s friend lent her a spectacular “tit shirt” for the important evening.
At the end of the evening, the couple decided to start dating.
In 2015, we lived through critical times. Hanna’s career was in the backwater stage and Risto, on the other hand, was touring gigs. One morning, Hanna told Risto that she wanted a divorce.
– We actually broke up, for six hours, Hanna tells Eeva.
The couple decided to continue their journey together in the afternoon. They began to discuss what being in a relationship meant to them.
The couple got married in 2017. Their first child was born in the spring of 2018.
Hanna Pakarinen has also published a book about her life called Elämä nauratta. PASI LEISMA
Hard times
Hanna Pakarinen reveals Anu Räsänen in the biography he is writing Hanna Pakarinen – Life is funny (Johnny Kniga) how difficult it was for him to return to the music field. Pakarinen fell ill with burnout in 2013 and did not make music at all.
He started making a comeback in earnest at the end of 2019. He had done Kristina Wheeler’s with three songs that Pakarinen started offering to the record company.
Pakarinen started Warner Asko from Kalloswhom Pakarinen already knew from Idols. Kallonen’s answer took a while, but he finally answered.
– He said that right now Warner doesn’t have the opportunity to take on new artists. It felt like foxing! I had imagined that new music is for record companies and a core business, but for Warner apparently ei, Pakarinen says in his book.
Things did not progress with the record companies, so Pakarinen contacted Nelonen Media’s music boss Mikko to Koivusipila. Koivuspilä liked Pakarinen’s song His time will come.
Koivusipilä promised Kaiku’s boss, owned by Nelonen Pekka Ruuskan to contact for a recording contract. Pakarinen was left waiting for Ruuska’s call during the corona period. Finally, Ruska called, but according to Pakarinen, the call was not pleasant.
– His message was basically that my songs are not very good and that he would have good songwriters ready […] Ruuska also asked if I’m not more interested in being an artist than writing songs, since I’ve been “mumbling” for so long.
In the end, no agreement was reached.
In 2022, Pakarinen participated as agreed Stars stars program. Just life program, he was not involved at that time, even though Koivusipilä had promised this.
– I don’t know what affected what. However, I do know that I myself would hardly have been in sufficient working condition at the time of filming.
In the end, Pakarinen got a recording contract with Universal.
– I finally published Ruuska’s song “Sun time will come” in the fall of 2021 from Universal. Shortly after this, I ran into Pekka in the canteen of Sanomatalo and he congratulated me on a good new song. So.
Italicized passages are excerpts from the book Hanna Pakarinen – Life is funny (Anu Räsänen, Hanna Pakarinen – Johnny Kniga)
#Hanna #Pakarinen #Risto #Niinikoski #open #relationship #ran #filming #Life