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hangover atmosphere for the end of year party – Conakryinfos.com

Usually in Conakry, during the end-of-year celebrations, the markets are packed, the roads are jammed with cars and there are countless traffic jams on the main arteries of the Guinean capital. But unfortunately, since this tragedy of December 18 in Kaloum, the city has been in total disarray.

For Sow, a seller of cosmetic products at the Taouyah market, some merchants risk no longer ordering new goods with this crisis situation in the country.

« In previous years the market was better than what is happening now. At the moment it was working well, but this year, unfortunately, there are no purchases. I think this is due to the depot explosion, as this impacted a lot of things. At the end of the year, we who are used to having customers rushing here, we have none. Also in terms of transport there have been a lot of changes, there are lots of sellers in our sector who say that if this arrival ends, they will no longer be able to order other goods, because there is an increase and when you don’t Don’t quickly lose what you have in stock, how can you recommend it? » He asked himself.

If in previous years the merchants wondered about the profit from their sale, for Moussa Kanté, clothing seller, the question is no longer at the level of profit, now, we just have to find the little bit to meet family expenses and make in the face of other responsibilities.

« This year is inexplicable, the country is completely at a standstill. Before the fire, we at least hoped that things would get back to normal because it’s at the end of the year that we do a lot of activities, we clothing sellers. This year, it’s catastrophic, nothing’s moving, since the morning, there are no customers, the 24th has passed, we didn’t feel anything, we didn’t even feel that it was Christmas, there was no turnover. And there we are, we’re a few days away from the end of year party and nothing yet, so that means it’s a neutral year for us. Currently, we have enough new clothes, new goods and others that are leaving the port and the containers that were blocked since last week because of the incident at the fuel depot. There are other containers that were supposed to go out that hadn’t come out yet and this week is where things started. Not only did the goods come late, but also there was no money. Currently, we are looking for how to feed our family, we are not looking for profit. » he explained.

Further on, Moussa says he is thinking about how to deal with the difficulties he faces, according to him most clothing sellers are “in debt”.

« I, who am here, am thinking about how to relaunch my activities in the coming year and how to deal with the charges and the creditors. Most traders operate with debt even if they don’t say it verbally, for example in a full shop or a full store, not everything is his. Traders work on the basis of trust so when it doesn’t work, it creates a lot of damage. We think about our expenses, rent, taxes which are extremely high with a year like this. The government is tiring us, with a small store, you are asked to pay 6 million when even the rent of your store is not worth that price. We are asking the State to rebate trade taxes as well as customs taxes so that we can position ourselves for next year because this one is already lost. » Lamented Mr. Kanté.

Fatoumata, a seller of toys and children’s clothing, sees this end of the year very different from others. For her, the transportation of goods has become very difficult since the fire and with the increase in prices, customers are no longer able to buy. .

« We have not had any customers this year like in previous years. Since the explosion of the fuel depot, the cost of transporting our toys and clothes has doubled and this has a huge impact on our sales. “, she explains.

For Austin, a clothing salesman, as the years go by, things become more expensive. Things have doubled in price since this tragedy in Kaloum.

« In 2018, when I newly came here, at the end of the year, there were huge purchases, we sometimes had revenues of 10 million, 15 million and 20 million while this year, there is nothing , we have new merchandise, but unfortunately we don’t have any buyers even though it’s the end of the year. » underlined this Nigerian national.

This end of the year is unlike any of the last years, since this tragedy in Kaloum, the Guinean population has not been able to find its place.

Madinatou Diallo for Conakry Info

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