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Handisport athlete of the decade. The coronation of table tennis player Stéphane Molliens

Stéphane Molliens: “2020, a pivotal year”

Stéphane Molliens was elected by our Internet users disabled athlete of the decade. Multi-medalist at the Paralympic Games, Moselle table tennis player Stéphane Molliens will aim for a new medal in Tokyo in 2021.

Stéphane Molliens, you have been voted disabled athlete of the decade by our Internet users. Your reaction ?
“I am delighted with this award, I also think of the two athletes behind me, Nico (Peifer) and Anita (Fatis) who are superb people. ”

How are you ?
“I’m fine, I have more time to prepare for the Tokyo Games. Another year to prepare for my post-career as well. I had announced that I will stop after Tokyo, I have not changed my mind. I am rather patient, optimistic so I take advantage of this time. “
In what way?
“With many hours of training, long sessions. Repetition exercises and very few points. We risk not having a competition before April so we focused on rehearsal exercises, physical preparation. I will soon be starting a two-week internship. “
You speak after career, what are your projects?
“I proposed to the French Table Tennis Federation a system of access to performance on a group of targeted athletes. Take them in hand to prepare them for Paris 2024 or Los Angeles 2028. I want to get involved in the ping and transmit. A few years ago, I could have scared the end of my career, but I worked on it with someone to prepare for it. “
The year 2020 is a complicated year for you?
“A year of transition, rather a pivotal year. I have tried to take this negative period and do something constructive with it. I had time to take a step back, to change my way of seeing certain things about my life, about sport. “

Nicolas KIHL

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