Copyright: imago images/Bildbyran
Icelandic goalkeeper Björgvin Pall Gustavsson sharply criticized the Corona rules at the upcoming World Cup in Sweden and Poland. Here he is in action for his country on January 15, 2020.
Before the handball World Cup in Poland and Sweden, players and coaches sharply criticize the corona rules during the tournament.
The strict guidelines of the corona before and during the upcoming Handball World Cup in Poland and Sweden (January 11 to 29, 2023) continue to receive a lot of criticism from players.
Players’ human rights are limited by the rules, Icelandic international goalkeeper Björgvin Pall Gustavsson (37) wrote in an open letter on Twitter.
The corona rules at the handball World Cup have come under criticism
Gustavsson explained: “Players are aware that they can end the quarantine themselves at any time and refuse the tests.” Background: Host countries Poland and Sweden have now suspended mandatory quarantine and other measures.
However, the World Cup tournament rules are much stricter than the legal requirements. In addition to adequate vaccination protection, International Handball Federation (IHF) regulations also require testing before the start of the tournament, before the main round and quarter-finals. Positive tests are followed by a quarantine period of at least five days before professionals can test themselves for free.
According to Gustavsson, players “can also assert their rights in court”. The goalkeeper continues: “If the IHF wanted to implement these measures to protect the players, they achieved exactly the opposite. And I think I speak for everyone. The trauma from Corona from the last few tournaments is still very present among the players and affects the athletes, who are as healthy as a horse, more than the Corona.
Previously, Swedish assistant coach Michael Apelgren (38) had fiercely protested against the Corona rules. “Personally, I don’t understand why we are doing this. In Sweden, the Corona period is over and it is no longer classified as a socially dangerous disease,” he told Sportbladet. Apelgren continues: “No one is afraid of Corona, but they are afraid of failing a test. It’s a real shame when you play the World Cup at home and you can’t live like we do in Sweden.” (sid, kos)