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Hand Cramps due to Frequent Typing, Try to Overcome Using These 5 Ways

Suara.com – You may have experienced hand cramp, which occurs when muscles forcefully contract and involuntarily relax. Hug The hand is usually temporary, but enough to cause discomfort in activities.

Hand cramps also usually occur as you get older or when you do jobs that require repetitive hand and wrist movements, such as people whose jobs are type.

Generally, hand cramps can be treated at home and are not a medical emergency. The following is quoted from Bright SideThere are several ways to deal with hand cramps.

1. Resting hands

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Most of the causes of hand cramps will be excessive use of the hands or too tired. The best way to prevent this is to rest your hands occasionally by avoiding any movement that requires hands.

Moreover, you have a job that requires doing kinetic movements by hand, such as typing, writing, painting and others. Try it, rest your hands every half hour while working.

Typing illustration

You can rest for 15-30 minutes. If your hand cramps have been going on for a long time, you may need to take a break from work by taking time off or on vacation.

2. Stop activities that cause hand cramps

Excessive hand movements are very unhealthy. If you are in a job that requires a lot of hand movement and causes painful hand cramps, then stop.

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Stopping repetitive activities for a very short time can help reduce pain and relieve hand cramps. It also helps prevent joint problems and tendonitis.

3. Stretch

Stretching the hands can help with hand cramps caused by repetitive movements. One way is to make a firm fist for 60 seconds and then open your hand and stretch it again.

4. Hand compress

Compress your hands with warm or cold water when they start cramping. Hot and cold water can help reduce pain. You can use a warm towel or heating pad to apply to tense muscles to relax. In addition, a warm bath will also help overcome hand muscle cramps.

5. Stay hydrated

Make sure you don’t forget to drink enough water while busy at work. Because, hand cramps can be a sign of dehydration that affects muscle function and causes hand cramps.

Although dehydration is more likely in hot temperatures, you can still experience it in cold temperatures due to a lack of water intake. So, it is very important to keep the body hydrated.

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