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Hand – C1 (H) – Montpellier

Hit with hamstrings in training, Montpellier international goalkeeper Kevin Bonnefoi will be unavailable for two to three weeks. Diego Simonet, who injured his knee at Elverum on Wednesday, has passed reassuring exams Montpellier will have two to three weeks without French international goalkeeper Kevin Bonnefoi, coach Patrice Canayer said. in the regional daily Midi free. The former Nantes man suffered a hamstring injury in training and did not participate in the beautiful victory of MHB in Elverum, Wednesday (37-30). This glitch does not seem likely to prevent him from participating in the preparation for the European Championship (January 13-30, 2022 in Hungary) with the French team at the end of December. No rupture of the cruciate ligaments for Simonet Wednesday, Diego Simonet came out in tears during the match, hit in a knee. But the news about the Argentine is reassuring. The hypothesis of a rupture of the cruciate ligaments seems to be ruled out, even if it is necessary to wait for the MRI on Friday to know the exact nature of the injury. read also All handball news

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