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Han Kuo-yu’s Participation in National Congress Sparks Discussion: Will Han Fans Support Hou Youyi?

Han nodded to attend the National Congress, Han fans will return to the team to support Hou Youyi? ! According to the latest poll, 60% of netizens expressed their opinion. (Picture / Information photo of this newspaper)

The former mayor of Kaohsiung City, Han Kuo-yu, recently stated that he will participate in the National Congress of the Kuomintang on tomorrow (23), which has sparked heated discussions from all walks of life. Many media celebrities are also concerned about whether this move will help the Kuomintang 2024 presidential candidate Hou Youyi win the support of Han Guoyu’s fans. A recent online poll launched an investigation into this, and the results were quite unexpected.

Youtube poll “Zhongshi News Network” launched an online poll on the 22nd. As of 2:30 p.m., a total of more than 24,000 people participated. It was aimed at the topic “Korea Yu nodded to participate in the National Congress. Do you think Korean fans will return to support?” 22% of the netizens thought “yes, because the signal from President Korea has sounded”, 60% of the participants said “no, Korean fans have their own opinions”, 11% said “if there are conditions, you have to apologize sincerely”, and the last 6% said “I don’t know, Korean fans are unpredictable”.

Regarding whether Hou Youyi can win the support of Korean fans after the National Congress, netizens left messages saying, “Politics is round. Regardless of whether Mayor Han will participate in politics in the future, since he has supported and affirmed his personality for many years and has expressed his opinion, I personally agree.” “Everyone can put it down and work together to move forward.” Join the party, alas.”

However, there are also many people with negative opinions, “It was Han who supported Han, not the KMT”, “Don’t try to kidnap Han Yu, Han fans will return to the team, Han fans are not loyal members of the KMT”, “Han fans have strong roots and are not easy to shake”, “Look how the KMT team members operate”, “Work hard on your own, Korean fans are not a commodity, come when you need it”, “Han is very pitiful”, “I support President Han”, “Han is always a wise political genius. 20 Marquis like that makes people lose their tongues”, “It is always because Mr. Han thinks and does things for the people. The other KMTs don’t think too much about it.”

Article Source:“China Times News Network” Voting URL

2023-07-22 07:34:11
#Han #nodded #attend #National #Congress #Han #fans #returned #team #support #Hou #Youyi #latest #poll #netizens #expressed #opinion

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