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Han Dong-hoon Steps Down, Vows to Earn More Love: People Power Party in Turmoil

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Han Dong-hoon, former chairman of the People Power Emergency Response Committee who stepped down after taking responsibility for the crushing defeat in the general election, said, “I was not good enough,” and said, “I hope to find a way to receive more love from the people.”

While there are even claims within the party that the issue of First Lady Kim Kun-hee, which has been taboo, must be approached proactively, the Democratic Party has repeatedly pressured the party to accept the so-called “Special Prosecutor Chae Sang-byeong Act.”

This is reporter Minhyung Kim.

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Former emergency committee chairman Han Dong-hoon repeatedly humbled himself by saying, “I was not good enough,” in a “letter to People Power Party officials and aides.”

“I am quite disappointed with the results,” he wrote, “but I hope to find a way to receive more love from the people.”

“It was great working together,” he said, but did not say anything about his future plans.

There are mixed opinions within the party that a political comeback will not be easy as he suffered a crushing defeat that exceeded expectations, and expectations that he should take on a future role based on his high reputation.

Daegu Mayor Hong Joon-pyo, who said to former emergency committee chairman Han Dong-hoon, “I was just taking selfies while playing presidential power,” said Daegu Mayor Hong Joon-pyo, who criticized him day after day, saying, “The 108 seats are just a name given by the people,” and “They say they’ve hit rock bottom, but there’s even a basement.” Yes.

The People Power Party has convened a meeting of senior officials who have been elected for four or more terms next Monday, but the fallout is continuing, with some lawmakers announcing that they will not attend, saying, “The elected general meeting comes first.”

Among elected officials in the metropolitan area, there are voices calling for resolving the “suspicion of First Lady Kim Kun-hee,” which has been taboo.

[김재섭/서울도봉갑 국민의힘 당선인(어제)]

″I think the government and the ruling party should bring to the table and have an active, forward-looking discussion on the first lady’s issue, which they have just ignored.″

The Democratic Party pressed, saying, “The government and the ruling party’s reflection and reform of state affairs begin with the acceptance of the ‘Special Prosecution Act on suspicions of external pressure to investigate the death of Marine Corps member.’”

Since it has been designated as a fast-track agenda and has already been brought up to the plenary session, the plan is to handle it within the 21st National Assembly, but warned President Yoon Seok-yeol, “If you exercise your veto, you will face disastrous national resistance.”

This is Minhyung Kim from MBC News.

Video coverage: Jiho Lee / Video editing: Jeonggeun Lee

2024-04-13 11:09:57
#Han #Donghoon #wasnt #good #Peoples #Power #pressures #democratic #special #prosecution #aftereffects

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