Home » today » Business » HAN completes data breach investigation: more than 14,000 sensitive data stolen – IT Pro – News

HAN completes data breach investigation: more than 14,000 sensitive data stolen – IT Pro – News

The email I received as a student an hour ago:

Dear recipient,

No doubt you have heard or read that a hacker has broken into a HAN server. To my regret, some of your personal data may also have been stolen. This concerns general personal data such as name, address, place of residence, e-mail address, telephone number, but in your case also data that you have entered yourself in a free text field on one of our web forms, for example because you had questions about an Open Day. , a follow-up day or a theater performance.

We know because this data was stored where the hacker broke in. We do not know whether he actually has all this data in his hands and/or published.

Potential risks
If the hacker has the data, there is a chance that he will sell this data. As a result, you run a greater risk that cyber criminals will contact you and, for example, ask for money or to change your password via e-mail, text messages or apps; the so-called ‘phishing’. You will find tips on how to minimize the risk in the ‘Frequently asked questions’ on han.nl/datalek. Other risks may apply to the other data mentioned above. See also han.nl/datalek.

We have of course taken immediate measures to prevent recurrence and further damage. The leak has been fixed and internal and external experts are constantly monitoring our systems. We have contacted the police and reported the data breach to the Dutch Data Protection Authority.

For additional information and questions, please refer to our website han.nl/datalek. Or contact us at [email protected].

Digital security is a great asset, also in education and research, and has our constant attention. We are very sorry that we were unable to prevent this burglary. Our sincere apologies for the inconvenience this may cause you. We do everything we can to continue to offer everyone a safe online environment.

Yours sincerely,
Yvonne de Haan
College of Management
HAN University of Applied Sciences

As a 3rd year student, it does not seem that data about me as a student have been leaked, but data that I entered on a form (where possible also for my study programme), where the leak was also found.
My knowledge of ICT is lacking, however, as a result of reactions under the previous message of the HAN Data Leak, it appears to be fairly simple mistakes that have been made or simply a budget for ICT that is too low. A good textbook example for an educational institution that also offers ICT courses.

Bizarre imho and that while we all pay more than 2 k in tuition per year

edit: explanation

[Reactie gewijzigd door Ttje op 5 oktober 2021 16:16]

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