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Hamburg’s public service is becoming younger and more female | NDR.de – News

Status: 06.08.2024 19:43

Relatively young – and quite female: that’s what the public service in Hamburg looks like according to the Senate’s latest personnel report. But the city as an employer also has to make an effort to get new skilled workers.

Five years ago, there were an average of 14 applications for a public service job in Hamburg. Last year, there were three fewer, so only 11 applications. This is an indication that skilled workers are becoming scarce. The city wants to counteract this with its “Jobs as colorful as life” campaign. It is spending around a quarter of a million euros on this this year. The city is also struggling with a relatively high rate of sickness: last year, it was 7.6 percent, which is above the average for most previous years.

Younger staff in Hamburg’s authorities

The average age, however, is developing positively: it is now under 45 years old – the public service in Hamburg is therefore getting a little younger every year. This is probably also due to the large number of new teachers. The Senate also sees the high proportion of women as a plus point. Almost every second manager in the public service is now female. In total, there were almost 70,000 full-time employees in the public service last year. And an increasing number of trainees with a migration background. Personnel costs were 7.5 billion euros.

More digitization in Hamburg authorities

The Hamburg Senate has an important goal in personnel planning: it wants to ensure a stable ratio between the number of residents of Hamburg and the number of employees in the public sector. Last year, this ratio was 35.6 employees per 1,000 Hamburg residents. And this despite the constantly increasing number of teachers in Hamburg. This is made possible by rationalization and automation elsewhere. The responsible State Councilor Jan Pörksen cites the issuing of residents’ parking permits as an example of this, which has been largely digitized and requires fewer staff.

Further information

The city has presented its current personnel report. There are apparently problems with recruiting young talent there too. more

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NDR 90.3 | NDR 90.3 Current | 07.08.2024 | 06:00 a.m.

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