Home » today » Health » Hamburg will probably have to throw away tens of thousands of cans of corona vaccine NDR.de – News – Hamburg

Hamburg will probably have to throw away tens of thousands of cans of corona vaccine NDR.de – News – Hamburg

Status: 04/13/2022 06:11 a.m

The vaccine stores are full – but hardly anything is needed: According to information from NDR 90.3, Hamburg will probably have to throw away tens of thousands of cans of corona vaccine in the coming months.

According to the social authorities, Hamburg currently has around 100,000 vaccine doses from the manufacturers Biontec/Pfizer in stock. Of these, around 60,000 cans will probably have to be thrown away in the coming weeks because the use-by date has expired. The remaining 40,000 cans can be kept until the end of June.

The city probably also has too many of the other corona vaccines in stock – albeit in much smaller quantities. One reason for the high stock levels is probably the still large number of corona infections: Anyone who has become infected can only get a booster vaccination after three months at the earliest.

Only a few hundred vaccinations per day

In all of Hamburg, only 300 to 800 people are currently vaccinated every day. By the way, the city cannot give away the vaccine. That would be a matter for the federal government alone, said the social security authority.

AUDIO: Hamburg: Corona vaccine must be thrown away (1 min)

More than 94 percent of all adults in Hamburg have been vaccinated twice. A good 71 percent of all adults in Hamburg received the booster vaccination.

additional Information

A doctor vaccinates a teenager © Colourbox Photo: AtlasStudio

Family doctor, company doctor, hospital and other facilities: Corona vaccination is possible in Hamburg in many ways. more

A virus hovers in front of a crowd (photomontage) © panthermedia, fotolia Photo: Christian Müller

How is Hamburg doing with the corona pandemic? Here you will find the latest figures, news, videos and background information. more

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NDR 90.3 | NDR 90.3 Current | 04/13/2022 | 06:00 a.m

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