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Hamburg: Two weekly markets in Hamburg are being closed

Status: 18.09.2024 19:46

There seems to be a crisis at the weekly markets in Hamburg. Two of them will have to close soon.

One of them is the market on Straßburger Platz in Dulsberg. It has recently only been held on Fridays and will also be closed at the end of the year. This was announced by the Hamburg-Nord district. The Monday market on Gustav-Falcke-Straße at Schlump in the Eimsbüttel district will be closed from October onwards – there is not enough on offer there.

Always less Market vendors

According to the Hamburg-Mitte district office, the number of vendors at weekly markets has been declining for several years. This affects markets during the week more than those at the weekend. The Eimsbüttel district office also confirms that it is very difficult to fill vacant stall spaces. And this will probably become even more difficult once the older stall operators retire.

High energy costs, bureaucracy, lack of young talent

There are many reasons for the problems. Market traders complain primarily about high energy costs, bureaucratic requirements, a lack of young talent and competition from discounters.

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NDR 90.3 | NDR 90.3 Current | 19.09.2024 | 06:00 a.m.

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