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Hamburg Sea Devils “call up potential” and exchange ex-Lübeckers ›HL-SPORTS

Jean-Claude Madin Cerez and quarterback Jadrian Clark (Hamburg Sea Devils). Photo: Lobeca / Marcus Kaben


Barmenia Insurance Agency Roland Kahl

Hamburg – With the fourth win in the fourth game of the season European League of Football (ELF) put the Hamburg Sea Devils a clear statement to the competition, also because the Nommensen team started their return journey from the Alfred Kunze Sports Park from the Leipzig Kings to the north with a 55-0 (31-0) success.

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“The Kings had a little struggle”

“I think we’re a talented team and we’ve figured out every aspect. Offense, Defense and Special Teams. It was a good performance from us. We’re starting to get better week by week. The Kings struggled a little, ”said Sea Devils quarterback Jadrian Clark after the game.

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“The result is also a result of the last few years”

Hamburg’s General Manager Max Paatz said: “I would say that we have used our full potential. The Leipzig Kings had their problems, including injuries. But we have to say that we played well on both offense and defense. The result is also a result of the last few years because we were finally able to bring the talents together in a team. It works very well as a community. “

Sea Devils break up with players …

On Tuesday, the franchise announced that it was splitting two players. The former linebacker Jonas Tykfer and the one playing in the same position Paco Varol are no longer part of it.






… and bring two new ones to the team

For this they were already allowed in Leipzig Daniel red sleeve (24) and Giovanni Nanguy (30) show. They are now part of the Rooster. Rotärmel recently played for the Hamburg Hueskies and Nanguy was among others for the Elmshorn Fighting Pirates, Lübeck Cougars and the French national team in action.

The 5th matchday

Frankfurt Galaxy – Barcelona Dragons 42:22
Berlin Thunder – Wroclaw Panthers 26:45
Leipzig Kings – Hamburg Sea Devils 0:55

The charts

North Team Sp. S U N Points Diff. %
1 Hamburg Sea Devils 4 4 0 0 148:35 113 100.0
2 Wrocław Panthers 4 3 0 1 167:115 52 75.0
3 Berlin Thunder 4 1 0 3 99:145 -46 25.0
4 Leipzig Kings 5 1 0 4 136:211 -75 20.0
south Team Sp. S U N Points Diff. %
1 Frankfurt Galaxy 5 4 0 1 162:92 70 80.0
2 Cologne Centurions 4 2 0 2 147:155 -8 50.0
3 Stuttgart Surge 4 2 0 2 87:123 -36 50.0
4 Barcelona Dragons 4 0 0 4 65:135 -70 0.0

Image sources

  • Jean-Claude Madin Cerez and Jadrian Clark: Lobeca / Marcus Kaben

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