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Hamas’ Attacks Spark Solidarity Rallies in Cologne

Hamas’ attacks and atrocities shock the world. Against the background of the terrorist attack on Israel, many Cologne residents also want to express their solidarity.

As the Cologne police announced, against this background, several gatherings have been registered both in Cologne city center and in Leverkusen from Friday (October 13, 2023).

Two rallies at the same time on Heumarkt – police impose conditions

A rally on the topic of “Solidarity with Israel” with 150 participants is planned for Friday afternoon in front of the Leverkusen town hall, Friedrich-Ebert-Platz (4 p.m. to 6 p.m.). It was registered by a private individual.

A private person has also registered a meeting at the Heumarkt for Saturday from 2:30 p.m. (until 6 p.m.) – “Stand up against hatred of Israel and anti-Semitism”. Around 100 people want to take part.

Explosive: At the same time, a rally by the Palestinian community is taking place at the Heumarkt. The meeting on the topic of “Palestine under occupation” with 100 participants begins at 3 p.m. – under special police conditions.

Among other things, participants are prohibited from denying the right of the State of Israel to exist. In addition, violence or hatred against the Israeli population or Jewish people must not be incited. Hamas’ terrorist attacks on Israel should neither be condoned, justified, nor even celebrated.

Cologne police chief emphasizes special concern

“The safety of the Jewish population in the Cologne city region is of paramount importance to the Cologne police. It is particularly important to me that all Jews in Cologne and Leverkusen feel safe,” emphasizes Police Chief Falk Schnabel.

He has great understanding for all people who find it difficult to bear that, in view of the terrible images that reach them every day from the affected region, there are gatherings about this conflict that do not unequivocally condemn Hamas’ terror. Schnabel: “However, freedom of expression and assembly are among the highest legal rights in a democracy. The legal hurdles to completely banning a meeting are correspondingly high and always require an individual case consideration.”

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The Cologne police are in contact with other security authorities and are continually assessing the available findings, explains the police chief. “Especially against the background of the current situation, we are examining meeting registrations in connection with the war in the Middle East very critically.”

Finally, a vigil on the topic of “Solidarity with the Israeli people” (7:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.) has been registered for Monday (October 16th) on Friedrich-Ebert-Platz in Leverkusen-Wiesdorf with 50 participants.

2023-10-13 01:36:34
#Hamas #terror #Cologne #police #report #rallies #crash #Heumarkt

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