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Hamas Attack Exposes Israel’s ‘Nakedness’: Israeli Newspapers React

The Israeli newspaper “Haaretz” considered that the Hamas movement exposed the “nakedness” of Israel, describing what happened as a “disgrace.”

The newspaper said that the failure is attributed first and foremost to Military Intelligence and the General Security Service, but despite this, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will not be able to wash his hands of this farce.

The newspaper continued by describing what happened as a disgrace, adding that deep shame fills the hearts of Israelis with anger.

Haaretz concluded by saying that it is a “personal tragedy.”

For its part, the Jerusalem Post wrote that a breach like this had never occurred historically in any of the attacks or wars, describing the operation as “very surprising.”

As for foreign media, Israeli officials were quoted as saying that they had no idea how this could happen.

Western newspapers said that despite all their enormous resources, Israeli intelligence did not expect this attack to occur, adding that if they expected this to happen, they failed to act.

The Israeli newspaper Maariv said on Saturday that the government was surprised by the attack launched by Hamas on Saturday morning, describing what happened as a “dangerous intelligence failure.”

The newspaper added in a report written by a former spokesman for the Israeli army, that “Israel is living a difficult war with characteristics it has never known before, and a complete surprise with quite a few dead, wounded, prisoners, and kidnapped.”

She continued: “It is important at this stage to prepare the Israeli public for the fact that the matter will be difficult, long and painful. The Israeli army did not fulfill its mission to protect the citizens of Israel, and this is a major failure that will be discussed and investigated.”

The newspaper continued: “We expect a long, difficult and nerve-racking period with difficult pictures and kidnappers. We will know how to withstand it even if the price is high. This is the right time for reliable, responsible and trustworthy leadership.”

Video showing the extent of the destruction in Gaza

What happened Saturday morning?

Hamas fired dozens of rockets from the Gaza Strip towards Israel, triggering air raid sirens across the country, in an operation dubbed “Al-Aqsa Flood.” The Israeli army announced that a number of Palestinian militants had infiltrated Israel from the Gaza Strip, and ordered residents to… Throughout the border area, people are required to remain in their homes. Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant approved a large-scale call-up of reserve soldiers according to the needs of the Israeli army. The minister declared a state of emergency within 80 kilometers of the Gaza Strip, allowing the Home Front Command to restrict gatherings. Israeli Channel 12 said that the attack resulted in hundreds of people being injured, at least 40 of whom were in serious condition. Israeli army spokesman, Avichay Adraee: Hamas fired about 2,200 shells and missiles towards Israel, in addition to infiltration operations into some areas and towns. The Israeli army announced the launch of a military operation called “Iron Swords” against Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

The Israeli army intensifies its deployment around Gaza

Sunday developments

Confrontations between Palestinian militants and Israeli forces are still continuing. Israeli raids targeted the homes of a number of Hamas leaders in the Gaza Strip. Local reports said that infiltration attempts by Palestinian militants are still continuing. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stressed that “all the places where Hamas is spreading, hiding and operating, we will turn them into rubble.” Israeli Army Radio: Mortar shells were fired from Lebanon into northern Israel. Our correspondent: Hezbollah claims targeting 3 Israeli sites in Shebaa Farms.

#disgrace #Israeli #media #dealt #Hamas #operation
2023-10-08 10:38:41

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