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Hamáček: Candidates for Better North are no longer members of the CSSD

“The relevant provision automatically jumped in there, that if someone is running for an entity other than the Social Democracy, his membership expires, and the suspension of membership does not affect it in my opinion and in the opinion of our lawyers,” said Hamáček.

Miroslav Andrt, a former regional chairman of the CSSD and one of the people in the candidate for the Better North, does not agree with this. “All 34 members of the CSSD, who are now candidates for the Better North, duly announced in accordance with the CSSD’s statutes that they were suspending membership in the party because President Hamacek arbitrarily prevented us from running for the CSSD in regional elections. We assume that after the end of the regional elections we will renew our membership in the CSSD, as the reasons for this suspension will disappear, “Andrt told Práva, adding that the renewal of membership is not subject to any voting, but is only notified in writing to the district presidency.

The Better North Coalition was first formed by the regional CSSD with the consecration of the party leadership with the Pro MOST movements and the Ústí Citizens’ Forum. But the party leadership did not approve the candidate. According to Hamáček, due to the fact that there were only two CSSD candidates in the top ten, in the first and sixth place. “If someone was planning a campaign for the money of the Social Democrats for someone else, then he was wrong,” Hamáček said.

The campaign of ex-officers will not pay

According to the CSSD, the people in the region have also decided to connect with people to whom the Social Democrats are not close. “As the chairman of the Social Democracy, I will not pay for the campaign of ex-officers,” Hamáček said, adding that as a social democrat and chairman of the party, he has a duty to ensure that the party is represented as best he can.

Vladislav Raška, a former mayor of Děčín, for example, is a candidate for the Better North. The leader remains Martin Klika, who is the first deputy governor of the Ústí Region, followed by Miroslav Andrt, who used to be the regional chairman of the CSSD.

The national presidency of the CSSD submitted its own candidate. Former deputy and doctor Jaroslav Krákor was nominated to head it. He previously headed a social or health committee in the House. Petr Benda (BEZPP), who used to be the regional chairman of the CSSD and a close collaborator of the former chairman of the CSSD, Jiří Paroubek, is the fourth candidate for the CSSD. With that, he formed the NS-LEV 21 party. It went to the last regional elections together with the Workers’ Party of Social Justice (DSSS), which is considered extremist but failed.

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