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Halo: Infinite – Same camera setting as God of War (PS4)

Halo Infinite: The opponents of the Master Chief could be old acquaintances. – (C) 343 Industries

Rumors suggest Halo Infinite with a one-shot camera style, Sony’s most recent God of War resembles.

Halo Infinite: New way of storytelling

The “tracking shot” or “single take” has existed in cinemas for a long time and is valued both for its complexity and its artistic value. This style has only recently found its way to play, mainly because the media’s hardware performance has only recently become so viable that a complete experience can be presented without gaps, cuts, or loading screens. Despite these difficulties Sony Santa Monica this with God of War achieved and critics thrilled with an experience of storytelling. Hardly any other game, except The Last of Us 2has been able to implement this so well so far. Given that, it will be interesting to see how Halo Infinite follows – and maybe even trumps.

Wake up, master chief! So far we only know Cinematic trailers from Halo Infinite.

Of course, this is just an assumption that one of many players has to make when talking about Halo Infinite speaks. The next entry in the Master Chief’s sci-fi saga is an unknown thing, except for two teaser trailers that have been released on E3 in the past two years. We have installed the trailers below in the article. We know that the Xbox star will return to an environment reminiscent of the original halo: Combat Evolved. The lack of a numbered title and these nostalgic choices suggest a way Halo 5 course correction there.

Does the next halo entry copy successful PlayStation 4 games?

More recently, speculation about the game has come together about the possibility that Halo Infinite the tracking shot mood of God of War could copy. GamingBolt reports on a conversation from the Real Deal Xbox podcast mentioning the connection to Sony’s blockbuster. While the podcasters don’t really know what 343 Industries well-known insiders have gotten out of the PlayStation 4 game ResetEra the rumor spread and almost confirmed that players will see the famous one-shot formula in the game’s campaign.

Microsoft is said to be ready to drop the bomb during the July unveiling event. After this PS5-Event that would also be appropriate. After all, the past few years have been well bought and you can use it for many exclusive titles at the start of the Xbox Series X go out. Halo Infinite is just a title that should be ready for the launch of the new Xbox – if Corona hasn’t messed everything up.

Halo series has been chasing competitors since 2 main entries

developer 343 Industries has with Halo Infinite certainly a challenge ahead, even if the studio plans to emulate the best of the best of recent years. Under the care of the series creator Bungie war Halo a trendsetter. Not only has it created an amazing universe that fans still appreciate, it’s also a game that smashed box office records and showed companies how online multiplayer should work. Please refer Halo 2.

Newer Halo games have the feeling that they are chasing the trends and chasing other shooters. Maybe the role-playing elements that are intended for the game, the whole a bit more spice and depth. After all, many are fond of Halo history. It is high time that the Master Chief emerged again.

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