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Halloween 2024, like a blood-curdling fire!

Halloween 2024, like a blood-curdling fire!

October 4, 2024


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On the front page of the WeekEnd

Halloween, Jack-o’-lanterns, Lastminute.com, Romania, Tower of London, Transylvania, Pluckley Village


Pumpkins and witches… Halloween is coming! On this occasion, La Quotidienne invites you to discover a little overview which lifts the veil on these little things which make Europeans shiver. Who are the most superstitious Europeans? Going under a ladder, breaking a mirror… what are the superstitions of Europeans? Ranking of blood-curdling places for Halloween…

52% of French people are superstitious, far behind their Latin neighbors

As Halloween approaches, we are interested in European superstitions. It is the Spaniards (60%) and Italians (58%) who are the most superstitious compared to 52% of the French, 50% of the British and 56% of the Germans. Overall, 55% of Europeans are.

celts-1TOP five superstitions of Europeans

– Break a mirror (21%);
– Pass under a ladder (20%);
– Open an umbrella indoors (17%);
– Friday the 13th (15%);
– Spill salt (15%)

Each country has its own superstition… Indeed, for 24% of Germans, what brings luck is finding a coin in the street.

For 34% of Spaniards, it means eating 12 grapes at the stroke of midnight in the new year.
In terms of anxiety, the British (26%) and the French (22%) are afraid of the idea of ​​going under a ladder, while the Italians (20%) fear spilling salt on the table.

A tradition from the ages?

Halloween is a traditional folk and pagan festival originating from the Anglo-Celtic Islands celebrated on the evening of October 31, the eve of the Christian festival of All Saints’ Day. Its name is a contraction of the English All Hallows-Even which means the eve of All Saints’ Day in contemporary English and can be translated as “the vigil of All Saints’ Day”.

celts 4Despite its name of Christian and English origin, the vast majority of sources present Halloween as a legacy of the pagan festival of Samhain which was celebrated at the beginning of autumn by the Celts and constituted for them a sort of New Year’s festival. year.

It was in the United States and Canada that Jack-o’-lanterns made from pumpkins, of local origin, appeared around 1845-1851, replacing the rutabagas used in Europe.

What are the scariest places popular with Europeans for Halloween?

If Europeans are superstitious, they still like to scare themselves and they are spoiled for choice. Dracula’s Castle, the Catacomb of Paris, the forest of Brocéliande in the middle of the night… each country has its frightening place.

celts 2What are the places that Europeans would like to visit?

For the French (20%) and Italians (34%), Dracula’s castle in Transylvania wins all the votes.

For the British (18%), Germans (29%) and Spaniards (29%), it is the Tower of London that makes them shiver the most.

Then comes the legendary Catacombs of Paris. 3 places, 3 atmospheres, one goal: to shiver with fear.

TOP 5 places to visit to scare yourself according to Europeans:

– Dracula’s Castle in Transylvania (23%)
– The Tower of London (23%)
– Catacombs of Paris (19%)
– Edinburgh Castle (haunted) (18%)
– The Village of Pluckley in England (11%)

celts 3The activities that make Europeans shiver the most on Halloween

In general, almost 25% of Europeans enjoy being scared simply by watching a good horror film.

On this point, here is the ranking of the scariest films for Halloween night.

Unsurprisingly, The Exorcist comes in first position (15%), ahead of The Ring (8%) and Friday the 13th (5%).

The most daring will prefer to walk in a dark forest in the middle of the night (13%) or prowl in a cemetery at night (12%). Thrills guaranteed!

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