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Hallengren (S): Has created mental preparation

A number of new restrictions will be introduced from 23 December to limit the spread of infection. The government’s message has aroused criticism, among other things because it comes with such short notice before Christmas.

– I really understand that they feel disappointed. That those who wanted to go to a camp or a cup feel disappointed, that those who hoped that Christmas would be just as usual are also disappointed. It feels very sad, says Lena Hallengren.

– But the reason is that we have been able to take part in new scenarios from the Swedish Public Health Agency and that the new omikron variant is so much more contagious. We must take the necessary steps to achieve a manageable situation

New assessment in January

She does not share the view that the government had a bad foresight. This is because it has not been possible to predict the rapid increase in cases of infection.

– We have not seen this increase for several weeks. It goes fast and does not seem to give way, says Lena Hallengren.

– We were out just over a week ago and described the steps we may need to take to create a mental preparation.

Lena Hallengren can not answer how long the new restrictions can remain. A new assessment is expected at the end of January.

– Working at home when it comes to government agencies applies until the end of January / beginning of February.

– We will not have the measures longer than we consider necessary. It is important.

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