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Halle Madrigalists Excel at German Choir Competition

Halle/Hannover (dpa/sa) – The Halle madrigalists are among the top performers at the German Choir Competition. In the second part of the competition, the singers from Saalestadt came second in the mixed chamber choirs category with 23.4 out of a possible 25 points, as the German Music Council announced on Saturday. The Halle Madrigalists, conducted by Tobias Löbner, received the rating “participated with outstanding success”.

According to the organizers, around 4,000 singers took part in the German Choir Competition in Hanover. The competition, which takes place every four years, is funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.

According to the Halle Madrigalists, they are a semi-professional chamber choir. The spectrum ranges from pieces from the Renaissance to world premieres of contemporary pieces. The heart lies in the a cappella singing. According to the information, the chamber choir is celebrating its 60th anniversary this year.

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2023-06-10 19:43:06
#German #Choir #Competition #Hallenser #madrigalists #forefront

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