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Half of students experience psychological complaints, even a death wish | Instagram

ResearchHalf of the students (51 percent) experience psychological complaints such as anxiety and depression, of which 12 percent are even serious. Up to a death wish, according to a major study by RIVM, Trimbos Institute and GGD GHOR Nederland.

For the first time, a nationwide survey has been conducted into the state of mental health and problem substance use (alcohol, drugs and tobacco) of students in higher vocational education and at university. More than 28,000 students completed an online questionnaire in the spring of 2021.

The results of the measurement, which was held during the third corona wave at the request of the Ministries of Education and Health, are strong. Many students experience loneliness, pressure to perform, stress and sleeping problems. Students who use cannabis on a weekly basis or who occasionally use a concentration-enhancing drug (without a doctor’s prescription) have these kinds of complaints more often.

Mariken Leurs, head of the Health & Society / Corona Behavior Unit at RIVM, calls the figures ‘impressive’. “There were concerns before the corona time, which is why this study was launched. Now you can say that the situation is alarming, with more than half of the students having psychological complaints. The time of withdrawal does play a role in this. Yet the results are so strong that long-term concerns are real.”


Corona is clearly not the only cause of these complaints, but may therefore cause an enlargement

Monitor mental health and substance use higher education students

Corona not the only cause

According to the researchers, corona is not the only cause of the complaints, but it may therefore cause an enlargement. This is less clear-cut for substance use. In total, 13 percent of students used ecstasy last year and one in six students is a heavy drinker. A third of students sometimes use cannabis. Of them, 28 percent indicate that they smoke cannabis more often because of the corona crisis.

Four in ten students who play games also report playing more computer games due to the corona crisis and measures. It is also striking that students who often use substances also more often have a high student debt.

Leurs: “Substance use is unhealthy, especially among young people who are still developing.” According to her, the intention is to repeat this major survey every two years from now on. “Then we can say a bit more about the relationship with certain subjects, for example between substance use and student debt.”

Ultimately, the intention is to help students in a more targeted way and to provide tailor-made solutions for each educational institution. ,,Develop programs together with students to identify problems, make them discussable and refer them to good help. Because the ideal world portrayed via social media often contrasts sharply with reality. It’s okay that it’s not okay for a while,” said the RIVM head.

Read more below the photo

Many students are not very satisfied with their lives, some are even tired of life © Thinkstock

weary of life


In fact, a quarter of students indicate that in the past four weeks they have occasionally or more often wished to be dead, or to go to sleep and never wake up again.

Monitor mental health and substance use higher education students

On balance, students are relatively unsatisfied with their lives and have little resilience. For example, a quarter (26 percent) of the students even indicated that in the past four weeks they occasionally or more often wished to be dead, or to want to go to sleep and never wake up again (life-weariness).

According to the researchers, this state of mind is related to the risk of developing psychological complaints. A large group of students indicate that they have experienced feelings of loneliness (80 percent) or pressure to perform (76 percent). Students who feel a lot of social support experience fewer complaints.

The Interstedelijk Studenten Overleg (ISO) is shocked by the results. Chair Lisanne de Roos: ,,It is alarming to see that so many students have difficulty keeping their heads above water and that one in four students has even indicated that they occasionally or more often wished to be dead. After today no one can say that mental problems only occur in a few students. Students are drowning in mental problems.” The National Student Union (LSVb) emphasizes that educational institutions and national politics must do more for the mental well-being of students.

The Association of Universities (VSNU) reports: “The corona period is very difficult for many students because social contact has disappeared and a lot of education had to take place online. That is why we have recently emphasized the importance of physical education. Universities have hired additional student psychologists and taken more preventive measures. In the coming period, we will focus even more on good information provision in collaboration with students. Some students need professional help. That is why the universities are working together with the GGZ and municipalities.”

Cabinet response

According to the cabinet, an approach must be introduced ‘with the greatest urgency’ in higher education that focuses on prevention, rapid identification and supervision of students who are dealing with a high degree of stress, pressure to perform and loneliness. The ministers involved will enter into discussions with educational institutions, students and student (sports) associations in order to arrive at ‘a broad and coherent approach’.

State Secretary Blokhuis (Public Health) is working on a National Prevention Agreement on Mental Health. He and education minister Van Engelshoven will discuss further steps to reduce substance use among students with the education sector, students and other stakeholders.

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