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half of Spaniards consider them a safe means of transport

Electric scooters broke into urban mobility a few years ago and have meant a real revolution. Given the lack of regulation of use, it is quite true that in the beginning their use even caused serious traffic accidents, for which they gained the reputation of being dangerous vehicles, especially due to the lack of regulations of use that unified the behaviors on board these VMPs.

But years later and a clearer regulation regarding how and where to circulate, electric scooters have already gained followers. The latest find from the online price comparator Idealo.com reveals that 54% of the entire Spanish population considers electric scooters to be safe means of transport. In this group, they also include electric bicycles, which are more expensive than skates.

Generation gap… and opinions

As in everything, there are discrepancies. Generation Z, ages 18-24, like millennials, ages 25-34, totally trust this mode of transport, compared to 61% of those over 45 years of age who believe that they are an alternative for unsafe mobility. Thus, this survey shows that the younger segments of society have reaffirmed their position at the same time that the older ones have increased their mistrust.

When choosing a vehicle for urban mobility, on the other hand, 70% would prefer electric bicycles over electric scooters. But the downside is that these are more expensive. They have an average price of 3,000 euros, a figure that has increased by 38% in the last two years. The scooters have gone the other way: they have an average cost of 389 euros, a price that has dropped in the last two years by 21%.

And lastly, when it comes to owning one of these vehicles or using the minute rental platforms, 57% prefer to own one of these devices while 43% opt for contracting the services that are available in their city.

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