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Half of FvD voters: ‘Corona was developed to oppress citizens’

Half of the people who want to vote for the Forum for Democracy (FvD) think that the corona virus was deliberately developed to oppress citizens worldwide. 51 percent think corona is a biological weapon manufactured in a laboratory. This is evident from research by Ipsos, commissioned by News hour.

The views of FvD voters on conspiracy theories differ considerably from those of the average Dutch person and those of voters on other parties. In comparison: 11 percent of all Dutch people believe that the virus was deliberately developed and 13 percent that it is a biological weapon.

Hard core

According to Ipsos researcher Sjoerd van Heck, the moderate voters at FvD have disappeared. “The percentage of conspiracy thinkers has grown because they now have a constituency left over him no matter what remain faithful. This is the hard core that remains. “

FvD’s party leader, Thierry Baudet, is one of the few politicians who travel every day from city to city with a large bus. He is campaigning physically and mainly talks about corona. In Urk he shook hands as if there was no pandemic.

But it is striking that corona is not the main topic for FvD voters. Immigration and asylum should be the theme of the elections, according to 38 percent of the FvD supporters. Followed by healthcare (31 percent) and the fight against the corona virus (28 percent).

FvD attracts a relatively large number of young voters (45 percent are between 18 and 35 years old). 54 percent of the constituency has had an intermediate level education. 57 percent do not want to be vaccinated against corona and 31 percent think that everyone should refuse a vaccine, against 8 percent of all Dutch people.

Party leader Baudet himself made a remarkable turn around the corona virus. A year ago he seemed like the biggest lobbyist for mouth masks. He wanted masks in the catering industry and for hairdressers. Now he calls them “mouth diapers”.

In News hour Baudet says about his turn: “It quickly became clear to me that corona is less dangerous than we thought in May. I believe in the deepest part of my fibers that we should get rid of the lockdown.

More than half of its voters (54 percent) also think that wearing mouth masks can lead to health damage, sometimes even cancer. 12 percent of the average Dutch think so.

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