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Half a thousand servings for the benefit of La Palma of fish from Portosín

The brotherhood, with the support of the business entity and the City Council promoted a fundraiser

06 nov 2021 . Updated at 8:08 p.m.

“We can not extinguish the volcano, but we can help mitigate the impact among those affected and have a dignified Christmas,” said the mayor of Portosín, Isaac Gaciño, during the gastronomic day for the benefit of La Palma. The collection will be delivered to the brotherhood of Tazacote, with whose senior employer Isaac Gaciño has already been in contact.

Organized by the brotherhood of Portosín, in collaboration with the City Council and the association of businessmen of the town, Gaciño encrypted in half a thousand portions of Portosín Blue fish served to those who paid the five euros of donation.

Smoked and pickled horse mackerel, pickled sardine and corn pie with xouba, accompanied by drink and bread, consisted of the dish that was delivered in a tent installed in the Plaza de O Curro. The older patron expressed his satisfaction with the huge degree of involvement demonstrated by citizens and the business community.

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