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Haitian lawyer and pastor accuses Clintons of stealing resources from Haiti

Leonel Charles, Haitian lawyer and pastor. Photo: © Mery Ann Scholastic Date: 07/28/2021

SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic.- The married couple made up of Hillary and Bill Clinton are responsible for the current Haitian crisis, because they were the ones who decided the 2010 elections and because they were the ones who received billions of dollars and did not deliver the money that should be earmarked for Haiti to solve its great deficiencies.

“The Clintons pillaged Haiti,” declared Haitian lawyer and pastor Leonel Charles, in a broad conversation about Haiti and its institutional and political problems.

Leonel Charles also held the international community responsible for having dictated decisions that ended up damaging the Haitian people, and have not allowed them to be free in the formation of their governments and in the international blockade that still remains.

He said that corrupt politicians are others responsible for ensuring that Haiti is as it is, and that most Haitian politicians are corrupt, with some exceptions, among which is the lawyer Leslie Manigat.

He said that internal groups were the ones that assassinated President Moise, because that president eliminated onerous contracts that delivered large profits in the electricity and fuel businesses.

Leonel Charles said that he received offers to be a civil servant, diplomat or to be part of councils in Haiti, but that he has always rejected them, because politicians in the government always impose decisions with which he does not agree.

Leonel Charles has a law degree in the Dominican Republic, and has worked in Puerto Rico, New York and is now in Santo Domingo, where he creates a church and works with the Alfalek foundation, to educate poor people.

Leonel Charles was interviewed by the journalist Fausto Rosario Adames in the program ¿Y tú… qué dice? that is transmitted every day through AcentoTV.

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