Home » today » World » Haitian immigrants do not eat pets. It is the international community that “eats Haitians” | Ideas

Haitian immigrants do not eat pets. It is the international community that “eats Haitians” | Ideas

There is no complaint or proof that Haitian immigrants in Ohio have eaten any of their white neighbors’ pets, a hoax spread by presidential candidate Donald Trump and supported by the entire media network that is responsible for promoting the former president’s campaign. . Where there may be no pets left is in Haiti itself. According to the latest report from the World Food Programme: “5.4 million people struggle to feed themselves and their families every day, representing one of the highest proportions of people acutely food insecure in any global crisis.” Of them, two million face extreme food shortages, malnutrition and disease.

Haiti is plunged into chaos, subjected to the violence of armed gangs that have caused 4,789 homicides and 2,490 kidnappings so far this year. Given that there is no weapons or ammunition factory on the island, all the weapons that these gangs have come from the United States, and very specifically, from Florida. No matter how much international organizations ask the United States to prevent this trafficking, it seems that nothing is done, at least with sufficient effectiveness. So, Haitian immigrants in the United States do not eat their neighbors’ pets, but some American arms dealers flood Haiti with thousands of pistols and automatic rifles with which they kill not pets but people, thousands.

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The United States’ relations with Haiti have always been unhappy. In 2010, former US President Bill Clinton did something unusual: he apologized for having forced Haiti to reduce tariffs on imports of North American rice, which was subsidized by Washington and which destroyed national production. “Maybe it was good for some of my rice farmers in Arkansas, but it didn’t work. “It was a mistake.” It was. Haiti lost the ability to produce one of the most important crops for feeding its population. Only because the president of the United States wanted to help Arkansas producers get rid of their surpluses. “I must live with the consequences of what I did,” said Bill Clinton, sadly, but those who lived with the consequences were those millions of Haitians whom he plunged into misery. That same Clinton had helped restore Jean-Bertrand Aristide, the Salesian politician and priest expelled from power by a military coup, to the position of democratic president of Haiti. Clinton knew the country well. He spent part of his honeymoon there, when in 1975 he married Hillary Rodham (then the dictator’s son, Jean-Claude Duvalier, ruled). But nothing stopped him from destroying his agricultural capacity at a stroke.

Everything went very wrong with the United States very soon. In 1914, Washington sent a gunboat with marines to, purely and simply, steal gold from the National Bank of the Republic of Haiti. Eight marines entered the bank’s headquarters, stole gold worth half a million dollars at the time and returned to the United States, where they deposited the bullion in the National City Bank. The National Bank of Haiti was owned by American shareholders, so when they needed the money they simply resorted to the gunboat. Haiti’s relations with France were not better either. How does it count the BBC“220 years ago, Haiti became the first independent nation in Latin America, the oldest black republic in the world, and the second oldest republic in the Western Hemisphere after the United States. “All of this was achieved after the only successful slave revolt in human history.” However, to have its independence recognized, Haiti had to pay 150 million francs (about 21 billion today) to France in compensation for property and slaves! that the French had lost. A unique case in which the colonized does not receive compensation, quite the contrary. You would think that the UN or the international community would repair such a mistake. But Duvalier Sr., the bloody dictator, remained in power for 14 years, until his death in 1971, without anyone bothering him, everyone delighted with his regime of terror against Caribbean communism. After the 2010 earthquake, the UN tried to help rebuild the country, but on a very bad footing: the blue helmets brought with them a ferocious cholera epidemic and were accused of rape and abuse.

So if you look back, it wasn’t Haitians who ate anyone’s pets, it was everyone else who ate their resources.

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