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Haiti – Politic: Greetings from the PM to members of the private business sector

Haiti – Politic: Greetings from the PM to members of the private business sector
21/12/2021 08:57:24

Haiti - Politic: Greetings from the PM to members of the private business sector

On Monday, December 20, 2021, the Prime Minister ai, Ariel Henry, received members of the private business sector, to exchange traditional greetings on the occasion of the Christmas and New Year celebrations.

Extracts from the Prime Minister’s statements:

« […] While this is not the best time to recap unfortunate or tragic events that have affected us all, I cannot ignore the fact that we have had a difficult year in many ways.

Our country is faced with difficulties which disrupt its normal functioning. All segments of the national economy have suffered from this insecure situation.

I know how much you have suffered in this situation, you members of the private business sector. This December should be the month of bargains. However, reality forces you to manage the famine and affects your turnover.

Something must change in our country […] Now is not the time to scapegoat and blame others. It is recognized that change must go through the search for a sufficient consensus between all the actors of national life, political parties, civil society, formal and informal private sector, popular organizations, young people, peasants, women.

This is how personally since July 2021, upon my accession to the Prime Minister’s office, I indicated that my objective was to reach a political agreement for peaceful and effective political governance. […]

My political culture is that of dialogue which involves sacrifices, self-sacrifice, a certain sense of the State and the common good, going beyond individual and clan interests.

One of the priority objectives of my Government is to restore the authority of the State and to put a lasting end to this insecurity which disrupts the free movement of people and goods, slows down the national economy and maintains too much our compatriots in extreme poverty. Each of us will have to do our part and contribute according to our possibilities to change life. The private sector that invests, takes risks and creates jobs needs a secure and stable environment in order to prosper. The state that asks you to pay taxes also has duties to you.

My Government intends to do everything in its power to restore peace and security. I sincerely hope that the year 2022 arrives with the means in materials, equipment and training that we are looking for, to put the national police and the armed forces of Haiti in a position to ensure their mission to protect and serve under good conditions. .

May the year 2022 be, as we all hope, a year of peace, of rediscovered economic growth, a year in which we will manage to silence our differences and our unnecessary quarrels, a year that will see a return to normal functioning of our institutions. democratic and why not a year of happiness where the Haitian people will be able to smile again.

[…] I wish a festive season as happy as possible to members of the private business sector and the general public. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone. “

HL/ HaïtiLibre

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