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Hailey Bieber celebrates Justin’s birthday with a passionate kiss!- pudelek.pl



The beginning of March is a special time for Justin Bieber, who celebrates his birthday then. Of course, the singer, who is approaching thirty, wished his wife, from whom famous friends had turned away recently.

On the first of March, he celebrates his holiday

Justin Bieber

who is inevitably approaching thirty. Recall that the star

He made his debut in show business at the age of fourteen

which after the release of “Babe” fell in love with almost half of the minors around the globe.

See: Justin Bieber CANCELS tour! He will not perform in Poland. Angry fans comment: “She stays at home because Hailey wouldn’t let her”

Justin Bieber celebrates his 29th birthday

In connection with birthdays


she decided to wish him herself


who’s been going through some tough times lately. After the discovery of her alleged “wredoty” such celebrities turned away from her

Jennifer Lopez


Lady Gaga

and all because of her conflict with

Selena Gomez


The rest of the article under the video

Littlemooonster96’s groundbreaking confession: “The world doesn’t end with Justin Bieber”

video-iframe src="https://wideo.wp.pl/ampNativeplayer.html?autoplay=1&site=wideo.wp.pl&mid=2037097&title=Prze%C5%82omowe%20wyznanie%20Littlemooonster96%3A%20%22%C5%9Awiat%20nie%20ko%C5%84czy%20si%C4%99%20na%20Justinie%20Bieberze%22&wp_sn=o2_m_pudelek_pl&rekid=235746&url4stat=https%253A%252F%252Fwww.pudelek.pl%252Fhailey-bieber-swietuje-29-urodziny-justina-namietnym-pocalunkiem-wymowne-zyczenia-6871863708048064a&video_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwideo.wp.pl%2Fmid%2C2037097%2Cklip.html&mpe=amp" layout="responsive" width="480" height="270" poster="https://wptv-upload-api.wpcdn.pl/9fca3e9d-7a13-4ed5-9577-de6851b0f5b8.png">



However, this is not the end of the revelations from the life of Hailey Bieber. Not so long ago

There was quite a buzz in the media

that the model is having an affair with her bodyguard. Justin himself was also supposed to cancel his tour precisely because of the moods of his wife, who would prefer to have him close.

Moreover, Internet users are increasingly trumpeting about

boredom that the singer experiences in the presence of his beloved

while bringing them back

imminent end of the relationship

. These claims could be somewhat confirmed by the fact that the musician

he couldn’t even remember the first time he kissed his wife


See: Hailey Bieber answers the question about the first kiss with Justin. His reaction is strange to say the least

Hailey and lovely wishes for your spouse

Hailey, however, does not give up and on the occasion of her beloved birthday painted beautiful wishes in which she wished her “best friend” more love. Nice of her?

29 has never looked so good. Happy birthday to your best friend! Words could not sum up everything you embody. And so

more joy

more travels, delicious food, adventures,

more peace

fun, a

most of all, more love

– we read.

Source: pudelek.pl

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