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Hague rugby star Renée killed with a knife and then set on fire | Inland

Ferry T., 41, who worked with his father in a waste company, must appear in court for the first time on Monday, August 16. It appears from the indictment that the Scheveninger stabbed the victim ‘several times with a knife or sharp object in the neck and/or head and/or upper body’. The judiciary also suspects him of having poured a flammable liquid over the remains and set it on fire.

The 23-year-old Renée was found dead that Saturday night after ‘a fire report’ next to the footpath, a stone’s throw from her babysitting address where she lived temporarily. The night before, she and her teammates from the Haagsche Rugby Club (HRC) had a catering tour through the court city, which ended at the Malieveld.

How Renée and Ferry T. came into contact that night is still unclear. Recently, the police conducted additional investigations at the spot where the rugby star was found.

Among other things, 360-degree images were taken of the location. T.’s lawyer, Mr. Bob Kaarls, has now asked the court to have his client examined psychologically by the Pieter Baan Center. “The judge agrees with this, but because there is a waiting list at the PBC, I expect that the case will only be dealt with substantively at the beginning of next year,” said Kaarls, who is also waiting for ‘technical and forensic reports’.


Renée’s clubmates are still working day and night on the dramatic event, says a spokesperson for the association. “It has a huge impact. Many girls are upset and some also need psychological help. It will be very difficult, but when the competition starts again in September, we will all straighten our backs and bang.”

The association expresses the expectation that ‘justice will prevail’. With Renée, the Haagsche Rugby Club was hit by a murder for the second time. In 2012, Ximena Pieterse (15) was stabbed to death by Stanley A., who was sentenced to seven years in prison and TBS. In memory of Ximena, the sports association founded the Ladies Xtreme team, in which Renée also played.

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