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Hadfana who kicked Semeru’s offerings caught


Hadfana Firdaus, throwers and kickers of offerings in locations affected by the Semeru eruption were caught. Hadfana was caught in Bantul.

“Yes, that’s right (Hadfana was caught). Thank God she was arrested,” said Lumajang Police Chief AKBP Eka Yekti Hananto Seno to detikcom, Friday (1/14/2022).

Eka said that the one who made the arrest of Hadfana was the Ditreskrim of the East Java Police. “From the Ditreskrim who managed to secure it, we have full back up with the East Java Police,” said Eka.

Eka also allowed if Hadfana was arrested in Bantul. “Right, it’s still a process like tonight too,” Eka toileted.

Previously, the 30-second viral video showed a man wearing a headgear and vest standing and approaching a offerings which is placed on the ground. There are two offerings that can be seen, namely fruit and rice, each of which is in its container.

Pointing to the offering, the man said: “This is what angers Allah. It is rare to realize that this is what invites Allah’s wrath, until Allah sends down his punishment. Allahu Akbar,” said the man.

A second later, the man’s hand moved to throw away the fruit offering and kicked the rice offering. Incidentally, the location of the offerings was on a higher ground, so the two offerings fell down.

From the information gathered, Hadfana was secured in the Dorowati alley, Pringgolayan, Banguntapan, Bantul. The location of his arrest is close to the Banguntapan Police. Hadfana was arrested at around 22.40 WIB.


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