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Had to travel without dad

June 15 reported NRK that Turkey accepts a national ID card instead of Norwegian passports until 2022, for Norwegians who are not allowed to renew their passports.

The day after proclaimed Foreign Minister Anniken Huitfeldt (Labor Party) said she was “so pleased” with the agreement on temporary changes to the rules that she and the Turkish Foreign Minister, Mevlüt Cavusoglu, had agreed on.

In the first messages, it was not stated when the changes would take effect.

So far no one was able to send in the perfect solution, which is not strange.

Monday mentioned VG Henrik Hippe Kristiansen (20) who on Saturday traveled in good faith to Turkey with an ID card. Since then, he has not been allowed to leave the airport in Antalya.

On the same day, Stian Rasmussen was to travel with his extended family from Lakselv via Finland to the same airport. A good while beforehand, he discovered that his passport had expired. With long waits, he did not succeed in trying to replace it with a new one, nor with an emergency passport, but a new ID card arrived in the mail the day before departure.

Finnmarkingen, who first spoke to iFinnmarkdid not get further than the passport control at the baggage check in Finnish Ivalo, before he was asked to turn around.

– It was really just luck that they stopped me, rather than me also getting stuck at the airport, but there and then it did not feel much luck. It felt completely damn good, says Rasmussen to Dagbladet.

PASSKAOS: Have you not had time to get a new passport before the summer holidays? Fear not, these places you can visit without a passport. Reporter: Maja Walberg Klev.
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– Feels wrong

After the Foreign Minister’s announcement of the temporary exception in the passport rules, Rasmussen was left with a definite impression that the ID card would be sufficient immediately.

– In addition, we did further investigations via acquaintances in Finland, who confirmed that it should be in order, he says.

Instead, he had to send the children Lucas (5) and Aili (7) on the plane with his grandparents. He found it difficult. The son in particular was very sorry that the father could not join.

Even though he knows they are well taken care of, he would love to be with them.

– It feels completely wrong. That’s not how it should be. They’re still waiting for me to come.

ID CARD: Stian Rasmussen thought the ID card would take him to Turkey, but not then. Photo: Private
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Rasmussen assured them that he would try to get an emergency passport and come after. Then he had not realized that the requirements for being granted an emergency passport have been temporarily tightened.

To ensure that people in an emergency situation have access to emergency passports, holiday travel from 30 May does not fall under the criteria.

It is communicated on police websites.

The police informs also that the scheme to approve Norwegian ID cards for entry into Turkey has not yet been implemented. It appears from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ website about travel information that a passport that is valid for at least six months is required upon entry.

Believes the rules come across poorly

– Now of course I know everything about the rules, but it is after a solid effort to find out things. The impression of the information that has appeared in the media has been wrong, says Rasmussen.

He refers in particular to the Foreign Minister’s and the media’s dissemination of the news of the temporary exemption in the entry rules to Turkey.

Dagbladet is among the media that reproduced the news from NRK.

Now the father of two hopes that the new rules will come into force in the next few days. In that case, he will get on the first flight to Antalya and be with the family for the rest of the 14-day stay.

– If I am going to travel again, I would say that I have learned a lot from this, but it is a pity that it had to be like that.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been presented with Rasmussen’s criticism.

In a written statement, spokesperson Siri Svendsen states that the Norwegian authorities are still waiting for a confirmation from the Turkish authorities that the formal processes around the scheme to approve Norwegian ID cards for entry have been completed.

– There is still some work to be done before the details of the scheme are in place, including clarifying the time for start-up, says Svendsen.

She further writes that the ministry notes the statement that this could have been communicated even more clearly.

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