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Had Appeared in Romania, “Monolith” Metal Mysteriously Disappeared

BUCHAREST, KOMPAS.com – Monolit, a metal mysterious, reportedly appears in Romania a few days after a similar object disappeared on United States of America ( AS).

However, the object was also reported to have disappeared on Monday (11/30/2020) as quoted from AFP, Tuesday (12/1/2020).

Lost news monolit in Romania is as mysterious as the loss of the monolith in Utah, US, suddenly.

Also read: Once Discovered in Utah, Mysterious Metal Monoliths Appeared in Romania

Romanian radio stations FM Journal reported that the 4 meter metal object disappeared as mysteriously as it appeared.

The appearance of the monolith was initially reported by local media last week. The object appeared in Doamnei Barca Hill, Piatra Neamt city, Romania.

The presence of these mysterious objects makes many residents want to know who installed the monolith and what it means.

Also read: Calculated Metal Monoliths From Another World Lost, This Is The Netizen’s Response

FM Journal then investigate the monolith upon receipt email about the object’s whereabouts on Thursday (26/11/2020).

“We were at least surprised when we found … a metal structure that had a spiral engraving on the side,” reports FM Journal.

Asked about the object, reporter Cirprian Solomon from FM Journal said that the attention it got had a lot to do with Utah.

Also read: Mysterious Metal Monolith Thought to be from Another World Reportedly Missing

“There are many unanswered questions. Why in Neamt? Why now?” Solomon said to AFP.

Local news outlet ziarpiatraneamt.ro also published a video taken by a man who went to the top of a hill to see the object for himself.

In a video originally uploaded to Facebook the man said that it was just scrap metal that someone had placed in the area.

Also read: Thanks to the Internet, the Metal Monoliths Mystery in the Utah Desert Begins to be Solved

The video became a hot topic of discussion. There are even some Facebook users who scoff that monoliths are not the same as monoliths in the US.

“We can’t even afford to copy-cat that’s right, ”said one Facebook user Alexandru.

Another Facebook user also noted that the monolith on top of a hill in Romania has a sign the clear.

Also read: Mysterious Metal Monolith Found in Utah, Thought to be from Another World

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