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Hackers infiltrated networks of the US nuclear weapons arsenal.

The portal Politico, from sources that they defined as officials directly familiar with the matter, reported that both the United States Department of Energy as the National Nuclear Safety Administration, which is the entity in charge of managing the country’s nuclear arsenal, have evidence that hackers gained access to their networks as part of a massive cyber infiltration campaign.

After this disclosure, the Cybersecurity and Security Agency for Infrastructure (CISA) postulated that there was an intrusion in computer systems that was carried out by Russian hackers. The fact, they argue, represents a “serious risk” both for the government and for private networks.

According to the AP agency, the CISA also confirmed that the action compromised several government agencies and their “critical infrastructure”, in an action that was broadly “an advanced attack” that was not easily detected and could not even be detected. be so simple to undo.

“This menacing actor has shown sophistication and complex skill in these intrusions. CISA believes that removing the threatening actor from compromised environments will be very complex and challenging, ”he explained.

For now, it is unknown exactly what infrastructure and information was compromised with the cyber attack.

Last Wednesday, the FBI, the CISA and the office of the National Director of Intelligence had already recognized the existence of a significant security breach, although they had not provided further details except to confirm that they had knowledge of the cyber intrusion in recent days. (The Third EFE)

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