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Hackers Expose Duvel Moortgat Trade Secrets on Dark Web After Cyber Attack

© BELGAIMAGE/photomontage GVA

The hackers who launched a cyber attack against Duvel Moortgat in early March posted the stolen ‘trade secrets’ they found online on the dark web. This indicates that the beer brewer did not pay a ransom to the cyber criminals.

Antwerp beer brewer Duvel Moortgat, which was part of the American group Boulevard Brewing Company, stopped production for a day at the beginning of March after a cyber attack by hackers. That attack was later claimed by two hacker groups known for ransomware attacks, who are demanding a ransom to keep stolen data from being made public. BlackBasta and Stormous claimed to be behind the attack. According to experts, this shows that the attack is the work of an individual hacker, who offered his ‘loot’ to Blackbasta and Stormous.

In the past few weeks, both Stormous and BlackBasta tried to hate Belgian beer brewing. The hackers threatened to post trade secrets online if a ransom was not paid. According to the hackers themselves, they were able to obtain a large amount of data, such as passports and accounting data. The hackers are said to have demanded half a million euros in ransom.

READ IN. Cyber ​​attack paralyzes beer production at Duvel Moortgat, also De Koninck’s brewery: “We are confident that we will start again within a few days”

Limited loot

“It concerns American passports and company data, such as marketing plans. From what I saw, I conclude that the loot of the hackers has been very limited. I am of the opinion that the American Duvel US was particularly affected and was not produced in Belgium. That could explain why Duvel Moortgat only stopped for a day. Maybe that was a warning. “

“It concerns American passports and company data, such as marketing plans. I have the impression that the American Duvel US was particularly affected and is not produced in Belgium. “

Inti De Ceukeleire

Ethical hacker and cybercrime expert

Ransomware groups such as BlackBasta or Stormous attack thousands of companies at the same time, hoping that at least a small fraction will pay a ransom to prevent trade secrets from being exposed or destroy corporate systems. Companies that suffer from such attacks often choose to pay hackers anyway, because otherwise it would cost more. After all, hackers not only threaten to reveal trade secrets, some hackers manage to disable company systems completely.

The city of Antwerp also suffered a serious ransomware attack by the hacker group Cyber ​​​​​​​​Play at the end of 2022. According to the city of Antwerp, the hackers were not able to capture sensitive personal data, but the attack the city has shut down systems and programs as a precaution. The costs of the cyber attack for the city of Antwerp could reach 70 million euros.

2024-04-21 19:18:35
#Threat #hackers #grab #bone #beer #brewer #DuvelMoortgat #American #Duvel #affected

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