Unusual activity was observed on May Day. The matter has been reported to the police.

The city of Helsinki discovered a suspected data breach on Tuesday. Sirri Rimppi
The city of Helsinki suspects that its information network has been hacked.
– We are investigating whether the information network has possibly been hacked for the education and training industry, the city’s digitization director Hannu Heikkinen says.
Heikkinen says that unusual activity was observed in the data network on Tuesday, i.e. May Day Eve.
According to him, at the moment it seems that the user ID information could have been accessed during the break-in.
– We know that we have received traffic from abroad, possibly from Russia. The investigation is ongoing. At such an early stage, it is impossible to guess who and what motive could be behind this.
Heikkinen says that it is also not yet known how large a set of data is affected by a possible data breach.
Heikkinen says that a criminal complaint was filed on Wednesday about the incident. The matter has also been reported to the data protection commissioner’s office.
– The announcement was made about an observation related to data protection, because user data is personal data.
According to Heikkinen, the technical investigation of what happened is underway. He estimates that the people of Helsinki should have no reason to worry.
– At the moment, in my opinion, there is no reason to worry, but when a situation like this is on, it is always possible that something more serious will be found.
Heikkinen says that the city of Helsinki will provide more information on the matter on Thursday.
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